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Institutional Research, Effectiveness, & Planning Office of the President

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Operational Dashboards


The dashboards listed on this site are restricted to Authorized Users only.

  • An Authorized User is a Faculty, Staff or Administrator who has a legitimate need to access the data presented on these dashboards and has been granted access following an approval process
  • Authorized Users can access the dashboards by using their SacLink Credentials
  • If accessing these dashboards off-campus, please make sure to download and enable Global Protect VPN before proceeding

Student educational records are official and confidential documents protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). FERPA regulations are found in the Federal Register (34 CFR Part 99). The disclosure herewith is in compliance with requirements of §99.31 (a)(1)(i)(A). For details, please click here.

All employees are responsible to protect sensitive personal data and maintain confidentiality of that data under the Information Practices Act (IPA) and Title 5. For details, please click here.

All data elements on these dashboards are derived from the Student Information System (CMS/PeopleSoft) but is not real-time data. Please check the last refreshed date and timestamp located on the dashboard.

If you need to request access, or if you have questions, concerns or feedback about these dashboards, please contact

Capacity Management

Course Schedule Capacity and trends for Fall and Spring terms.

Capacity Management Dashboard

Current snapshot of students who applied to Sacramento State. The data is refreshed at regular intervals during peak admissions cycle to reflect accurate information as of the time the data is published.

Admission Trends Dashboard


Current snapshot of students who are eligible to enroll for a given term. The data is refreshed at regular intervals during peak registration cycle to reflect accurate information as of the time the data is published.

Registration Dashboard

CCE Enrollment

Enrollment trends in the College of Continuing Education - Only for CCE Use.

CCE Enrollment Dashboard

Summer Enrollment

Enrollment trends in Summer Session.

Summer Enrollment Dashboard

Hornet Launch

Review of incoming Fall Freshmen for Hornet Launch

Hornet Launch Dashboard

Transfer Credit Evaluation

Review of Transcript Status and Transfer Credit Posting for all incoming Transfer Students.    

Transfer Credit Evaluation Dashboard

Admissions Funnel by District (unmasked)

Displays student applicant and enrollment data by high school and community college districts. Data is unmasked when the cohort size is < 10 on this site.

Admissions Funnel by District

Capitol Insights at Sacramento State (unmasked)

Displays student applicant and enrollment data by elected representative districts. Data is further broken down by high school and community college districts. Data is unmasked when the cohort size is < 10 on this site.

Capitol Insights at Sacramento State

Grade Distribution

Explore course outcomes and DFW rates by college, department, and course using various academic and demographic characteristics. Faculty access is provisioned on a temporary basis. Please contact to request access.

Grade Distribution Dashboard

Student Success (unmasked)

Explore Retention, Progression and Graduation rates by student characteristics. Data is unmasked when the cohort size is < 10 on this site.

Student Progression & Graduation Dashboard

Grad Time to Degree

Explore Graduate program time to degree, degrees awarded by cohort, graduation rates by program, and student demographics.

Grad Time to Degree Dashboard

Active Employees

Review of all Active Employees - Only for HR Use

Active Employees Dashboard

Training Compliance

Instructional Cost for Administrators

Instructional cost analysis, salary report, faculty assigned time, historical trends, and detail view for CSUS Administrators.

Instructional Cost Dashboard

Instructional Cost for Deans

Instructional cost analysis, salary report, faculty assigned time, and historical trends for Deans.

Instructional Cost Dashboard


Commencement planning and review for the Commencement office.

Commencement Dashboard


Survey Results and Multi-Year Data

NSSE Dashboard

BCSSE Dashboard

FSSE Dashboard