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Data Definitions & Glossary
A listing of data definitions that are used across campus. If you have suggestions for additional data elements, please contact us at
Data Element | Definition | Category |
AANAPISI | See Asian American & Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institution | Centers & Organizations |
Academic Administrative Assignments | A work assignment filled by an academic or an administrative employee at a campus or the Chancellor's Office when serving in a key administrative capacity. Typical duties may be planning, organizing and directing activities which relate to the instructional program and/or participating in policy planning (such as academic deans, deans of college, etc.) Other duties may also include the work assignment of an administrative employee whose job is closely identified with the total management of a campus of The California State University (such as Vice President, Administration; Dean of Students; Dean of Admissions, etc.). | HR & Payroll |
Academic Renewal | When all the policy conditions are met, Sacramento State may disregard previous unsatisfactory academic coursework, taken at any college, from all considerations associated with requirements for the baccalaureate degree. The request is limited to two semesters or three quarters of coursework. The policy action removes the earned hours, quality hours, and quality points (grade points) for the entire semester(s) or quarter(s) under consideration. The Academic Renewal policy does not allow for partial deletion of coursework within any semester or quarter. Sacramento State does not consider requests to delete any course completed and applied toward a baccalaureate degree after the degree has been awarded. | Student |
Academic Student Employee | Employees whose primary appointment is as a teaching associate, graduate assistant or instructional student assistant. | HR & Payroll |
Academic Talent Increase/Bump | A code that identifies whether a student received a bump for admission due to Academic Talent. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
Academic Year | A period of time beginning with the fall semester or quarter and ending with the spring semester or quarter of the regular sessions. The Academic Year does not include the summer quarter. | Research & Analysis |
Academic Year Employee | A person who engages primarily in instruction and is employed and compensated on the basis of classification and academic rank. Academic year employees are paid by the established academic calendar (as opposed to a fiscal year calendar) and render services for an academic year, a semester, or one or two quarters. Academic year classes are identified in the CSU Salary Schedule. | HR & Payroll |
Academic Year Headcount | Academic year headcount for a semester campus is the sum of fall and spring term headcount divided by 2. If a semester campus has a short winter session (as in self-support), those “term” headcounts are divided by 2. For a quarter campus, the sum of fall, winter, and spring term headcount is divided by 3. Academic year headcount for a campus on the 4-1-4 calendar (Stanislaus prior to 2010-11) combines term headcount for the fall, winter, and spring terms weighted by 13, 4, and 13 [((Fall Headcount*13/30)+(Winter Headcount*4/30)+(Spring Headcount*13/30)) is the formula]. | Research & Analysis |
Accommodated Application | A complete application submitted within the filing period and evaluated for admission to the university. | Research & Analysis |
Accommodation Status | This code identifies the final status for a person's application. | Applicant |
Accommodation Status Date | This shows the date Accommodation Status Date for an applicant is entered or changed. | Applicant |
Accreditation | Approval of colleges and universities by nationally recognized professional associations or regional accrediting bodies. | Student |
ACT | See American College Testing | Research & Analysis |
Added Authorization | This data element indicates that student has been admitted and enrolled in a CSU CCTC-approved added authorization program. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student, Teacher Credential |
Additional Position | A position in addition to an employee's base or primary position. The additional position may be at the same campus, between campuses or between campuses and civil service agencies. | HR & Payroll |
Adjusted Eligibility Index | A calculation using high school grade point average (HSGPA) and test (ACT or SAT) scores to determine CSU admission eligibility including any bumps. | Applicant |
Adjusted High School GPA | This field contains the high school grade point average (HSGPA) including any bumps. | Applicant |
Adjusted Transfer GPA | This field contains the transfer grade point average (GPA) including any bumps. | Applicant |
Admission Basis Code | A code, which identifies how a student was admitted to the reporting campus under requirements, defined in Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations or in Executive Orders of the chancellor. | Applicant, Degree, Race/Ethnicity, Special Sessions, Student |
Admission Status | This code identifies the final action taken on the application for admission. | Applicant, Race/Ethnicity |
Admission Status Date | This indicates the date Admission Status was entered or changed. | Applicant |
Admission/Acceptance Rate | The rate at which the applications are accepted. It is calculated by dividing the number of admitted/accepted students by the total number of applicants. | Research & Analysis |
Admitted Student | Applicants that have been granted an official offer to enroll at a CSU. | Research & Analysis |
ADT | See Associate Degree for Transfer | Applicant |
Advanced Placement (AP) Exam | Advanced Placement (AP) standardized exams are designed to measure how well a student has mastered the content and skills of AP courses. A student must score three or higher on the AP exams to earn college credit. Each campus in the CSU system determines how it will apply external examinations toward credit in the major. | Student |
Advancement to Candidacy | Fully classified graduate students who have completed at least 40% of their program with a minimum 3.0 grade point average may submit a proposed program of graduate study. Students must have been advanced to candidacy and achieved a passing grade on the Writing Proficiency Examination before they can register for a Master's thesis or project. | Student |
Agency Code | A three-digit code that identifies the CSU or civil service agency fund from which salaries are payable. Agency codes are defined in the SCO Payroll Procedures Manual. | HR & Payroll |
ALEKS PPL | See Assessment and Learning in Knowledge Spaces Placement, Preparation, and Learning | Student |
Alliance for Minority Participation (AMP) Program | The California State University Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (CSU-LSAMP), with NSF Support, was initiated in 1993 to serve as a comprehensive California State University (CSU) system-wide program dedicated to increasing the number of underrepresented students successfully completing quality degree programs in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). | Centers & Organizations |
American College Testing (ACT) | An exam that measures educational development and readiness to pursue college-level coursework in English, mathematics, natural science, and social studies. | Research & Analysis |
AMP | See Alliance for Minority Participation Program | Centers & Organizations |
AP | See Advanced Placement Exam | Student |
APIDA | See Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Student Center | Centers & Organizations |
Applicant | An individual who meets the institutional requirements for CSU admission, and who has been notified of one of the following actions: admission, non-admission, placement on waiting list, or application withdrawn by applicant or institution. | Research & Analysis |
Application Receipt Date | This element shows the year, month, and day the application was received. | Applicant |
Articulation Agreement | An official agreement in which one college agrees to accept specific courses or groups of courses from another college in place of its own courses. | Applicant, Student |
Artistic Talent Increase/Bump | A status that identifies whether a student received a bump for admission due to artistic talent. | Applicant |
Asian American & Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institution (AANAPISI) | Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institutions (AANAPISI) have worked to improve the availability and quality of higher education for Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) college students across the United States. Through culturally-relevant curriculum and services, AANAPISIs promote and strengthen APIDA student engagement and civic participation while increasing their academic achievement and success. | Centers & Organizations |
Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) Student Center | To facilitate APIDA students’ academic and personal success and affirm their diverse experiences through community leadership, student engagement, and mentorship. | Centers & Organizations |
Assessment and Learning in Knowledge Spaces Placement, Preparation, and Learning (ALEKS PPL) | The ALEKS Placement, Preparation, and Learning (PPL) Assessment is designed to determine what students know and what students need to improve in preparation for taking math courses at Sacramento State. By taking ALEKS PPL, students will have a better sense of their strengths and weaknesses. Students will then have a chance to brush up on topics. | Student |
Assigned Time Code | A numeric code used to indicate up to three different types of activities per faculty assignment for which a faculty member can receive workload credit. | Faculty Reporting |
Assigned Time WTU | The number of Weighted Teaching Units (WTU) assigned to the faculty member in conjunction with the associated 'Assigned Time Code'. | Faculty Reporting |
Associate Degree (AA, AS etc.) | A degree granted by community colleges to students who complete a specified program of study, usually totaling 60 semester units. Associate degrees are awarded in arts and sciences and are sometimes called two-year degrees, in contrast to the four-year, or bachelor's degree, awarded by a university. | Applicant |
Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) | Students who meet the CSU’s minimum eligibility requirements are guaranteed priority admission to a CSU campus. See SB 1440 for more information. | Applicant |
Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) E-Verify | Self-reported Associate Degree for Transfer information from the admission application is provided to community colleges for preliminary verification on the ADT eVerify site. CSU campuses will use reported degree status (including pending/in-progress) in the evaluation and apply admission priority if applicable. | Applicant |
Associate Degree For Transfers (ADT) Completion Verification Status | This code identifies the completion verification status of Associate degree at California Community College. | Applicant, Degree, Special Sessions, Student |
Attendance | Attendance during a term is established if it results in a record of enrollment for that term on the official transcript of an accredited college, regardless of the length of time, grade(s) received or the number of courses completed. | Applicant |
Attrition Rate | The percentage of students who do not return to college in the next fall semester or do not earn a degree. It is the opposite of persistence. Attrition Rate = 100% - Persistence Rate | Research & Analysis |
Average Class Size | The average number of students enrolled in all sections on the census date. | Research & Analysis |
AWOL | Absent without leave. An employee's absence is not an approved absence. | HR & Payroll |
Baccalaureate | Baccalaureate (degree, program, etc.) denotes a level of education marked by the completion of the equivalent of four or more years of full-time education (at least 120 semester or 180 quarter units). Baccalaureate level refers to courses that meet requirements for the baccalaureate degree, also called a “four-year” or “bachelor’s” degree. | Applicant |
BHON | See Business Honors | Centers & Organizations |
Birth Date | The year, month, and day of birth as designated on the legal registration or certificate . | Applicant, Degree, Race/Ethnicity, Special Sessions, Student |
Business Honors (BHON) Program | The Business Honors (BHON) program is a full-time program. Business Honors students will be immersed in a cohort-based learning experience where they will work with and learn from others in their cohort group as well as high-qualified faculty. | Centers & Organizations |
Cal Grant Award | A code that identifies whether a student received a Cal Grant for the particular term. | Financial Aid |
Cal State Apply ID (CASID) | The CASID is a unique identifier for the student assigned to each applicant in Cal State Apply. | Applicant, Degree, Financial Aid, Off-Campus, Race/Ethnicity, Special Sessions, Student, Teacher Credential |
California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) | The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) awards credentials and certificates on the basis of completion of programs that meet Standards for Educator Preparation and Standards for Educator Competence. Thus the CSU recommends to the CCTC that credentials or certificates be conferred to students who successfully completed CSU teacher programs. CCTC posts credentials and certificates it awards each year at the following site: | Research & Analysis |
California Community College Control (CCC) Number | The California Community College (CCC) Control Number is a unique code assigned by the CCC to eligible majors related to the Transfer Associate of Arts (TAA) and Transfer Associate of Science (TAS) degrees. It indicates the student’s primary area of study in which the student received his/her TAA or TAS degree. | Applicant, Degree, Special Sessions, Student |
California Promise Program | The California Promise Program enables a specific number of campuses of the California State University (CSU) to establish pledge programs for entering first-time students who are both interested and able to complete baccalaureate degrees in four years. Many campuses have also established programs for students who are pursuing an Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) from any California Community College and plan to complete their baccalaureate (bachelor's) degrees in two years at a CSU campus. | Student |
California Promise Program Status | A code representing student's interest in participating in the California Promise Program. (see SB412: The California Promise Program). | Applicant, Degree, Special Sessions, Student |
California Public Employees' Retirement System (CALPERS) | Public Employees' Retirement System has statutory responsibility for the administration of retirement membership, contributions and benefits, and for the health benefits program. | HR & Payroll |
California State University (CSU) | A 23-campus, four-year university system of higher education largely funded by the state of California to grant baccalaureate, master’s and some doctoral degrees. | Applicant, Research & Analysis |
CALPERS | See California Public Employees' Retirement System | HR & Payroll |
CAMP | See College Assistance Migrant Program | Centers & Organizations |
Campus Assigned Student ID | This is the number by which a student’s record will be accessed. It can be the student’s Social Security Number or a number assigned by the campus. | Applicant, Degree, Financial Aid, Race/Ethnicity, Special Sessions, Student, Teacher Credential |
Campus Code | A code is assigned to each entity of the California State University. | Applicant, Degree, Race/Ethnicity, Special Sessions, Student, Teacher Credential |
Campus GPA | This will be the quotient of total grade points and total units attempted for a letter grade. | Special Sessions, Student |
Campus Grade File | Contains end of term data (as opposed to census data). This file includes the final grades each student received in a course. The grade file contains a record for each course taken in a given year and term by each student enrolled in that given year and term. A student who is taking 5 courses in a given year and term will have 5 different rows of data, one corresponding to each course, in the grade file. | Research & Analysis |
Campus Information Retrieval System | The current data warehouse for the CSU that is maintained by the Human Resources - Information Support and Analysis (HR-ISA) unit of the CSU, Chancellor's Office is located in Sacramento, California. | HR & Payroll |
CARES | See Crisis Assistance & Resource Education Support | Centers & Organizations |
CASID | See Cal State Apply ID | Applicant, Degree, Financial Aid, Off-Campus, Race/Ethnicity, Special Sessions, Student, Teacher Credential |
Casual Employment | A group of classes generally used for employment in the trades and crafts to perform new construction work or to provide temporary help to the regular campus staff. Employees in one of these classes are paid at the prevailing trade rates. Also referred to as "trade rate classes." Casual employment classes are identified in the CSU Salary Schedule. | HR & Payroll |
Catalog Rights | Catalog rights refer to the specific set of requirements, as established in a CSU catalog for a specific year, which the student must satisfy to qualify for a degree. Catalog rights do not apply to admission eligibility. Undergraduate students who have maintained continuous attendance at a CSU or a CCC may elect to qualify for graduation from the CSU under catalog requirements in effect either: 1) At the time they began attending any CCC or CSU campus; 2) At the time they entered the CSU campus from which they will graduate; or 3) At the time they graduate from the CSU. Establishment of catalog rights based on first attendance at a CCC permits community college students to plan and complete general education, the United States history, Constitution and American Ideals and other non-major requirements. Transfer and returning students may be required to meet updated major or minor requirements and any other requirements mandated by system-wide policy changes affecting all CSU students. | Applicant |
CCC | California Community College | Applicant, Degree, Special Sessions, Student |
CCTC | See California Commission on Teacher Credentialing | Research & Analysis |
CDE | See Chemistry Diagnostic Exam | Student |
Census Date | The census date is the date on which all reports included in the CSU Enrollment Reporting System (ERS) must be based. The census date for the summer, fall, and spring semesters of the regular sessions shall be at the end of four weeks following the first date of instruction. The census date for the summer, fall, winter, and spring quarters of the regular sessions shall be at the end of three weeks following the first date of instruction. | Research & Analysis |
Center Code | A code assigned to each officially recognized off-campus center of the California State University system. Used as a sub-code to campus code. | Off-Campus |
Center for First Generation Student Initiatives (FGI) | The core purpose of FGI is two-fold: 1) foster and increase the sense of belonging and social connectedness for students who identify as first-generation college students and 2) provide opportunities for first-generation college students to integrate their college experiences into the world of work. | Centers & Organizations |
Certification | An official notice, either on the transcript or on a certification form, provided by a participating institution (normally a CCC) verifying that a transfer student has completed courses satisfying all or a portion of CSU general education requirements. “Certified courses” refer to courses that have been submitted by the college and accepted by the CSU Office of the Chancellor as fulfilling its general education or American Institutions Requirement. “Certification” refers to official certification by a CCC that a transfer student has completed courses fulfilling CSU GE requirements. When a student completes all of the general education requirements in any area, Area A-E of the GE-Breadth pattern, he/she can be certified in that area. This is referred to as being “partially certified.” If all areas of GE-Breadth are completed the student is referred to as “fully certified.” Students who are certified will not be held to any additional lower division general education requirements at the CSU. | Applicant |
Changing Majors | A campus may require a student changing his or her major or any minor field of study to complete the major or minor requirements in effect at the time of the change. Campuses may authorize or require substitutions for discontinued courses. A campus may prescribe that a change of major application be fled within specific deadlines for a particular term. | Applicant |
Chemistry Diagnostic Exam (CDE) | Sacramento State's Department of Chemistry uses a National Standardized Chemistry Placement Examination to evaluate a prospective student’s potential for success in a university level first semester general chemistry course. | Student |
Chemistry Honors Program | The purpose of the Chemistry Honors Program is to recognize and support the academic progress of our highest achieving students through undergraduate research culminating in a Chemistry Honors thesis. | Centers & Organizations |
CIP Code | See Classification of Instructional Programs Code | Applicant, Degree, Special Sessions, Student |
Citizenship Code | A code that indicates whether a student is or is not a citizen of the United States, and the type of visa for noncitizens. This code does not denote fee status. | Applicant, Degree, Special Sessions, Student, Teacher Credential |
Civil Service | Public employment in the State of California. Rules and regulations for California State civil service are set by the Department of Personnel Administration and the State Personnel Board. Civil service rules and regulations, although similar to those of the California State University, do not apply to the CSU. | HR & Payroll |
Class Auditor | An auditor is a student who enrolls in a course for informational purposes only. Regular attendance is customary and expected, but an auditor does not participate in the class, does not take examinations, and does not receive academic credit for the course. Auditors are not permitted to enroll in activity, curricular, or participatory courses. | Student |
Class/Class Code | Class refers to a group of positions having duties and responsibilities sufficiently similar so that they may be treated as one level of position for salary setting purposes and for appointments. Each class of positions is covered by a standard set of class specifications which outlines the general types of duties performed, FLSA, and the salary. For payroll purposes, each class is identified by a four-digit class code, i.e., Instructional Faculty, 2360. Four digits identifying the class title as shown in the CSU Salary Schedule. | HR & Payroll |
Classification | The process of a graduate student moving from Unclassified or Conditionally Classified status to Fully Classified in their major. A graduate student may also be re-classified if they change their degree objective. | Student |
Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Code | A code required for reporting of majors and degrees by the National Center for Education Statistics in the Integrated Postsecondary Data System (IPEDS). If the campus does not enter a CIP code, a code will be entered on the ERS record during file processing at the Chancellor's Office. | Applicant, Degree, Special Sessions, Student |
CLEP | See College Level Examination Program | Student |
Cohort | The group of students sharing common characteristics over a specified period. Example first-time full-time freshmen cohort entering in fall term for tracking purpose. | Research & Analysis |
Collective Bargaining Agreement | A binding agreement between the employer (CSU) and an exclusive representative that outlines the terms and conditions of employment, including salaries and benefits. Sometimes referred to as the "contract" or "memorandum of understanding" or "MOU." | HR & Payroll |
College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) | CAMP facilitates the transition from high school to college and offers first-year support services to develop skills necessary to persist and graduate from college in a timely manner. | Centers & Organizations |
College Level Examination Program (CLEP) | The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) is a credit-by-examination program that measures a student’s level of comprehension of introductory college-level material and consecutively earn college credit. The CSU requires a passing score of at least 50 on the CLEP exam. Each campus in the CSU system determines how it will apply external examinations toward credit in the major. | Student |
College Preparatory Electives | This field contains the total number of semesters of college preparatory approved electives for which grades of C or better were earned by the applicant. It includes the number, if any, in excess of the minimum requirement, and it may include both high school and college level courses. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
College Preparatory English | This field contains the total number of semesters of college preparatory English for which grades of C or better were received by the applicant, including the number, if any, in excess of the minimum requirement, and it may include both high school and college level courses. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
College Preparatory Foreign Language | This field contains the total number of semesters of college preparatory foreign language for which grades of C or better were received by the applicant, including the number, if any, in excess of the minimum requirement, and it may include both high school and college level courses. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
College Preparatory Laboratory Science | This field contains the total number of semesters of college preparatory science, with laboratory, for which grades of C or better were received by the applicant, including the number, if any, in excess of the minimum requirement, and it may include both high school and college level courses. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
College Preparatory Mathematics | This field contains the total number of semesters of college preparatory mathematics for which grades of C or better were received by the applicant, including the number, if any, in excess of the minimum requirement, and it may include both high school and college level courses. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
College Preparatory Mathematics And Quantitative Reasoning For Placement Considerations | This field contains the total number of semesters of college preparatory mathematics and quantitative reasoning for which grades of C or better were received by the applicant, including the number, if any, in excess of the minimum requirement, and it may include both high school and college level courses. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
College Preparatory Social Sciences | This field contains the total number of semesters of college preparatory Social Sciences (including U.S. History or U.S. History and Government) for which grades of C or better were received by the applicant, including the number, if any, in excess of the minimum, and it may include both high school and college level courses. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
College Preparatory U.S. History and Government | This field contains the total number of semesters of college preparatory U.S. History or U.S. History and Government for which grades of C or better were received by the applicant, including the number, if any, in excess of the minimum, and it may include both high school and college level courses. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
College Preparatory Visual and Performing Arts | This field contains the total number of semesters of college preparatory visual and performing arts for which grades of C or better were received by the applicant, including the number, if any, in excess of the minimum requirement, and it may include both high school and college level courses. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
College Year | A period of time beginning with the summer term and ending with the spring term of the regular sessions. The College Year equals the Academic Year plus the summer term, if any. For campuses that do not offer a summer term, the academic year calendar and the college year calendar represent the same time interval: fall through spring. | Research & Analysis |
College Year Headcount | The sum of annualized summer headcount and academic year headcount. | Research & Analysis |
Community College | Institutions of higher education that award associate (“two-year”) degrees and vocational certificates and offer classes that can be transferred to a four-year college or university and applied toward a baccalaureate degree. | Applicant |
Competency Determination | This data element indicates the method by which a student has fulfilled the statutory subject matter competency requirement for the credential. | Teacher Credential |
Component Units | The number of student credit units each student receives for completing the course. | Faculty Reporting |
Comprehensive Examination | Final examination required for some master's degrees, sometimes in lieu of writing a thesis. | Student |
Concentration Code | Formerly known as ‘Major Code’ or ‘Major, Option, Concentration, or Emphasis Code,’ a code in ERSA and ERSS which identifies a student’s primary major degree program, option, concentration, or emphasis in which the student has applied, been admitted, and/or been enrolled. | Applicant, Degree, Special Sessions, Student |
Concurrent Enrollment | Students enrolled on any California State University campus may enroll concurrently at another CSU campus if they have completed twelve units at the home campus with a 2.0 grade point average and are in good standing. Concurrent enrollment is approved for a specific term, subject to space availability and registration priority policies at the host campus. | Student |
Conditionally Classified | Graduate students who have been admitted to the University and/or a specific program of study, conditional upon them completing certain requirements (raising GPA, taking preparatory courses, etc.). They cannot be fully classified in their program until meeting such conditions. | Student |
Continuation Rate | The percentage of students in a given fall term who returned to the institution in a subsequent fall term. Also known as retention rate. | Research & Analysis |
Continuing/Returning Student | A student who is not new to the institution and who had units attempted during the prior term of the regular sessions. | Research & Analysis |
Continuous Attendance | Continuous attendance requires attendance in at least one course for at least one regular semester or two regular quarters in each calendar year at a regionally accredited college or university; a requirement to retain catalog rights for a given year. | Applicant |
Continuous Enrollment | Graduate students who have been advanced to candidacy and who have completed all course work can maintain the required active degree program status without additional University registration by enrolling in "Continuous Enrollment" through Open University. There are no units associated with this enrollment, but a College of Continuing Education fee equal to one unit is required. | Student |
Country of Citizenship | The country of citizenship. | Applicant, Degree, Special Sessions, Student |
Course Alignment File | A custom-made a file that identifies the courses that are general education (GE) courses for each year as well as college and department alignments for each course on campus. | Research & Analysis |
Course Classification (CS) Number | This data element identifies a particular mode of instruction for a resource segment activity. | Faculty Reporting |
Course FTE | Course FTE refers to the full-time equivalent calculated based on the credit hours of a specific course. It is calculated by taking the total undergraduate headcount and multiplying it by the course credit units, then dividing by 15 and adding to it the total graduate headcount multiplied by the course credit units, then divided by 12. (UGRD Headcount x Course Credit Units)/15 + (GRAD Headcount x Course Credit Units)/12. For example if there are 23 Undergraduate and 1 Graduate students enrolled in a 3 unit course, the Course FTES is calculated as (23 x 3)/15 + (1 x 3)/12 = 69/15 + 3/12 = 4.6 + 0.25 = 4.85 | Research & Analysis |
Course Level Code | A code that indicates the academic level of instruction of a particular course. | Faculty Reporting |
Course Type | This section data element serves an acronym describing the instructional category or mode associated with the reported CS number for a given APDB segment transaction. | Faculty Reporting |
Credential Action | This data element specifies the type of evaluation activity performed by the credential analyst. | Teacher Credential |
Credential and Subject Matter Waiver Objective | This data element indicates the primary California public school credential or Subject Matter waiver objective of the applicant, admitted applicant, or enrolled student. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student, Teacher Credential |
Credential Class | This data element further identifies the term or classification of the credential for which a student has been processed. The student is assigned a credential class based on the credential he/she is being recommended for and the total number of requirements that have been met for that credential. | Teacher Credential |
Credential Emphasis | This data element specifies emphases that are associated with the Credential and Subject Matter Waiver Objective, if any. Values conform to the specifications of the Commission on Teacher Credentialing. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student, Teacher Credential |
Credential Status | This data element indicates that a student has been admitted and enrolled in a structured CSU CCTC-approved education credential or waiver program; OR that a student has been identified as enrolled for the purpose of obtaining or maintaining a CCTC credential, permit, or supplemental authorization but has not been admitted to a CCTC-approved program; OR, at the request of CSU campuses, that potential interest in future education credential program enrollment has been identified by a CSU applicant or student. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
Crisis Assistance & Resource Education Support (CARES) | The Sacramento State CARES office provides support to students who are in crisis or experiencing unique challenges to their education. We coordinate referrals to campus and community resources and offer follow-up support to address a variety of issues including, but not limited to: Transportation Barriers, Mental Health & Wellness, and Physical Health & Wellness. | Centers & Organizations |
CS Number | See Course Classification Number | Faculty Reporting |
CSU | See California State University | Applicant, Research & Analysis |
CSU Race/Ethnicity Reporting Category | This value is taken directly from the CSU Undergraduate Admission Application (Question 18d for 2009-2010) or from the CSU Graduate Admission Application (Question 16d for 2009-2010). The question asked was "If the CSU is asked to report only ONE summary race/ethnicity description for you, please choose ONE category." | Applicant, Degree, Off-Campus, Special Sessions, Student, Teacher Credential |
CSU Systemwide Discipline | Instructional program specialties that are based on classifications specific to the CSU system. | Research & Analysis |
Culminating Experience | The Thesis, Project, Dissertation or Comprehensive Exam required to complete a Master's or Doctoral degree. | Student |
Cumulative Campus Pre-Collegiate Units Attempted | Sum of all pre-collegiate units attempted at the reporting campus. Include pre-collegiate units attempted in all previous terms plus pre-collegiate units attempted in the reporting term. | Student |
Cumulative Campus State-Supported Units Attempted | Sum of all state-supported units attempted at the reporting campus. Include total units attempted in all previous terms plus total units attempted in the reporting term. | Student |
Cumulative Campus Units Earned | Sum of all state and self-supported units earned at the CSU reporting Campus. Include total campus units earned in all previous terms plus total campus units earned in the reporting term. | Applicant, Degree, Special Sessions, Student |
Current Employee | A current employee is one who is in an active status. The term is used when determining which transaction matrix to use to initiate a personnel/payroll transaction. | HR & Payroll |
Dean's Honor List | Semester honors are awarded and the notation “Dean’s Honor List” is posted to the permanent academic record for freshmen earning a 3.000 grade point average and other undergraduates earning a 3.250 grade point average. To be eligible in either category, students must complete a minimum of 12 letter-graded units with no Incomplete grades and no grade lower than “C-”. | Student |
Declassification | Graduate students may be declassified for "Failure to make satisfactory progress" or having too low of a GPA to advance to candidacy. Graduate students who have been declassified must reapply to the University in a subsequent semester. | Student |
Defense (Thesis/ Dissertation) | As the final step toward some Master's degrees or a Ph.D., candidates must pass an oral examination before their thesis or doctoral committee in defense of their thesis or dissertation. | Student |
Degree | An award conferred by a college, university, or other postsecondary education institution as official recognition for the successful completion of a program of studies. | Research & Analysis |
Degree Conferral Code | Under section 40411 of Title 5, (Conferral of Degree upon Completion of Degree Requirements), the president of each campus may preclude any student from enrolling in any additional state-supported courses when that student has met all necessary requirements for the degree for which that student is matriculated, and may take the actions necessary to confer the degree. | Degree |
Degree Held Code | A code that indicates the highest degree held by a student. | Applicant, Degree, Special Sessions, Student |
Degree Level Code | A code that indicates the level of the degree conferred at a CSU campus. | Degree |
Degree Objective Code | The student’s most immediate degree objective at the reporting campus. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
Degree Program Delivery Type | This data element identifies the delivery format of the primary area of study for which all the required coursework for program completion is able to be completed by one of the three instructional offering. | Applicant, Degree, Special Sessions, Student |
Degrees Project | The Dedicated to Educating, Graduating, and Retaining Educational Equity Students (DEGREES) Project seeks to provide enhanced services to students with a special focus on underrepresented students to make timely progress to their degrees and to reduce the achievement gap. | Centers & Organizations |
Demotion | The movement of an employee from a position in one classification to a position in another classification having a lower level of duties and responsibilities and/or a lower salary range. A demotion may be voluntary or disciplinary. Movement between alternate salary ranges within a classification does not constitute a demotion. | HR & Payroll |
Denied Applicant | Students who were deemed ineligible for admission because they did not meet the CSU admission requirements. | Research & Analysis |
Department Code | A standard code used throughout the CSU which uniquely identifies an academic department. | Faculty Reporting |
Dependent Family Size | Family size as entered on the CSU application for admission by an applicant who determines him/herself to be a dependent for financial aid purposes. In determining family size, the dependent applicant should include him/herself, his/her parents, and other children or dependents who receive more than half their support from the dependent applicant’s parents. | Applicant |
Dependent Income Code | The gross annual income of parents for the year prior to the reporting year as reported by dependent applicants via the CSU application for admission. The definition of income includes any taxable income as well as untaxed income and benefits of the parents. | Applicant |
DFW Rate | Computed by dividing the sum of DFW grades (specifically: "D+" "D" "D-" "F" "NC" – no credit, "WU" – unauthorized withdrawal) by the count of enrolled students for each course level type at a given campus or in a given college, and then multiplying by 100. Note: campus records may include grades that were originally incompletes, but later get resolved. For this reason, incomplete grades are treated as missing grades and are excluded from the calculation of the DFW rate. | Research & Analysis |
Disabled Student Services Program Service | A code indicating the primary service received by the student from the campus Disabled Student Services Program. | Special Sessions, Student |
Disabled Student Services Verified Disability | A code indicating the primary disability upon which disability support services are based. | Special Sessions, Student |
Discipline Code | A standard code that is used throughout the California State University System which uniquely identifies a discipline also known as the Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS) Code. The term "discipline" refers to a specific academic area of study offered at a particular campus. | Faculty Reporting |
Dissertation | A requirement for the Ph.D., the dissertation is a report of an original investigation carried out under the direction of the candidate's major professor. The dissertation must be the candidate's own work. Although it may be the result of research enterprises in which the candidate collaborated with others, it must reflect the candidate's own style, and a substantial portion must represent the candidate's own creative contribution. | Student |
Doctorate (Ph.D.) | The highest academic degree conferred by a university to students who have completed at least three years of graduate study beyond the bachelor's and/or master's degree and who have demonstrated their academic ability in oral and written examinations and through original research presented in the form of a dissertation. | Student |
DRC | See Dreamer Resource Center | Centers & Organizations |
Dreamer Resource Center (DRC) | The Dreamer Resource Center helps make the dream of a college degree a reality for undocumented students and students with mixed-status families at Sacramento State. The goal of the center is to help students overcome the unique challenges that get in the way of achieving academic, personal and professional excellence. | Centers & Organizations |
EAP | See Early Assessment Program | Applicant |
EAP English Language Arts Score | A code that describes a student’s English Language Arts score on the Early Assessment Program (EAP) test. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
EAP English Language Arts Status | A code that describes a student’s original English remediation status based on an Early Assessment Program (EAP) test result. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
EAP Mathematics Score | A code that describes a student’s Mathematics Score on the Early Assessment Program (EAP) test. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
EAP Mathematics Status | A code that describes a student’s original Mathematics remediation status based on an Early Assessment Program (EAP) test result. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
EAR | See Employee Action Request | HR & Payroll |
Early Assessment Program (EAP) | The Early Assessment Program (EAP) provides an early indicator of students’ readiness to take college-level English and math coursework. Each spring, all grade 11 students in California take the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for English language arts/ literacy (ELA) and mathematics. These assessments also serve as an indicator of readiness for college-level coursework in English and mathematics and are used by the California State University and participating California Community Colleges to determine Early Assessment Program status. CAASPP/EAP results are included on the CAASPP Student Score Report. The score report will provide an indicator of a student’s readiness to take GE English and math courses. Students who need to improve their skills will have their entire senior year to prepare further. Results are only used to determine a student’s placement after he or she has been admitted to the CSU. | Applicant |
Early Start English | A code that indicates a student’s enrollment in the campus Early Start English (ESE) program. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
Early Start Mathematics | A code that indicates a student’s enrollment in the campus Early Start Mathematics (ESM) program. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
Educational Leave | Approved educational leave for attendance at another accredited institution of higher learning is not considered an interruption in catalog rights provided such absence does not exceed two years. The absence must be consistent with the CSU definition of educational leave and with CSU policy. Students who have been academically disqualified may lose previously established catalog rights. | Applicant |
Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) | The Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) serves California residents from low-income households who demonstrate the motivation and potential to earn a baccalaureate degree. EOP students are individuals who have the potential to succeed at Sacramento State but have not been able to realize their goal for higher education because of economic and/or educational background. | Centers & Organizations |
Educational Opportunity Program Status | A code indicating that a student is enrolled in the campus Educational Opportunity Program. | Special Sessions, Student |
Electives | Courses that count toward total transfer units or degree, but are not used to fulfill pre-major, general education, major or graduation requirements. If a student has not decided on a major, taking elective courses in different fields is a good way to explore career interests and aptitudes. Check the campus college catalog carefully to be sure that these courses are transferable to the CSU for at least elective credit. | Applicant |
Eligibility Index | A calculation using high school grade point average (HSGPA) and test (ACT or SAT) scores to determine CSU admission eligibility. It is calculated by multiplying high school grade point average (GPA) by 800 and adding the composite SAT (math and reading) score, or multiplying high school GPA by 200 and adding the composite ACT score. | Applicant, Research & Analysis |
Employee | A person legally holding a position in CSU service. | HR & Payroll |
Employee Action Request (EAR) | Employee Action Request, Form 686, is the State of California equivalent to the W-4 form used in the private sector. The document is referred to as the EAR and is used to collect the employee's legal name, birth date, home address, home address release authorization, and federal and state tax-withholding information. | HR & Payroll |
Employee Identification Number | The EMPLID is a unique, campus assigned identification number used as the primary ID for a student by the campus. This number is different from the SSN and the Campus Assigned ID Number. | Applicant, Degree, Off-Campus, Race/Ethnicity, Special Sessions, Student, Teacher Credential |
Employment History | Personnel/payroll transaction history for those employed on or after the creation of the PIMS database. | HR & Payroll |
English Proficiency Status | A code that indicates an undergraduate’s status regarding preparedness for college level English and the method by which preparedness was demonstrated by the close of the ERSS processing period for the first term in which the student was enrolled. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
Enrollment Headcount | Enrollment headcounts represent the number of students actively enrolled at a campus for a specified census date. The census date is the close of the fourth week of instruction for campuses on a semester calendar. This definition applies to all terms that comprise the college year. | Research & Analysis |
Enrollment Status | A code that defines the current enrollment status of a student as related to some prior enrollment or indicates the admission category for new students. | Applicant, Race/Ethnicity, Special Sessions, Student |
Entry Level Mathematics Administration Date | This field contains the date on which the Entry Level Mathematics Exam (ELM) was administered. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
Entry Level Mathematics Proficiency Status | A code that initially indicates an undergraduate’s status regarding preparedness for college level mathematics and the method by which preparedness was evidenced by the close of the ERSS processing period for the first term in which the student was enrolled. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
Entry Level Mathematics Total Score | This field contains the total test score the student received on the Entry Level Mathematics Exam (ELM). | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
EOP | See Educational Opportunity Program | Centers & Organizations |
ERSA | The Enrollment Reporting System - Applicant (ERSA) data file reports campus application data (including student demographics) and is based on the census date for each term. The census date for regular sessions of summer, fall, and spring terms is the 20th day of actual instruction after a term starts, or at the end of 4 weeks of instruction for semester campuses. | Applicant |
ERSD | The Enrollment Reporting System - Degree (ERSD) data file reports campus degree data (including student demographics) and is based on the census date for each term. The census date for regular sessions of summer, fall, and spring terms is the 20th day of actual instruction after a term starts, or at the end of 4 weeks of instruction for semester campuses. | Degree |
ERSFA | The Enrollment Reporting System - Financial Aid (ERSFA) data file reports campus financial aid data (including student demographics) and is based on the census date for each term. The census date for regular sessions of summer, fall, and spring terms is the 20th day of actual instruction after a term starts, or at the end of 4 weeks of instruction for semester campuses. | Financial Aid |
ERSO | The Enrollment Reporting System - Off-Campus (ERSO) data file reports off-campus program data (including student demographics) and is based on the census date for each term. The census date for regular sessions of summer, fall, and spring terms is the 20th day of actual instruction after a term starts, or at the end of 4 weeks of instruction for semester campuses. | Off-Campus |
ERSR | The Enrollment Reporting System - Race & Ethnicity (ERSR) data file reports campus race and ethnicity data and is based on the census date for each term. The census date for regular sessions of summer, fall, and spring terms is the 20th day of actual instruction after a term starts, or at the end of 4 weeks of instruction for semester campuses. | Race/Ethnicity |
ERSS | The Enrollment Reporting System - Student (ERSS) data file reports state-supported campus enrollment data (including student demographics) and is based on the census date for each term. The census date for regular sessions of summer, fall, and spring terms is the 20th day of actual instruction after a term starts, or at the end of 4 weeks of instruction for semester campuses. | Student |
ERSTC | The Enrollment Reporting System - Teacher Credential (ERSTC) data file reports campus teacher credential data (including student demographics) and is based on the census date for each term. The census date for regular sessions of summer, fall, and spring terms is the 20th day of actual instruction after a term starts, or at the end of 4 weeks of instruction for semester campuses. | Teacher Credential |
Established Position | A position, which has been authorized in the budget and properly, established in the SCO roster. | HR & Payroll |
Ethnic Code | A code representing the racial/ethnic background of the individual. The individual is to be included in the ethnic group to which he or she appears to belong, is regarded by the community as belonging, or categorizes himself or herself as belonging (see Executive Order 318). | Applicant, Degree, Special Sessions, Student |
Exception Admission Code | This code identifies the rationale applied to admit a student as a general exception under section (40900). | Applicant, Degree, Special Sessions, Student |
Executive Appointment | Positions in this category include the Chancellor, Vice Chancellors, and campus Presidents. They are appointed by the Board of Trustees. Authorization to appoint such an individual is based upon the Board of Trustees' resolution, which contains effective date and salary rate. An executive employee is one who is primarily responsible for the execution of policy. | HR & Payroll |
Executives and Management | Chancellor's Office executives, campus presidents and all Management Personnel Plan (MPP) employees. | HR & Payroll |
Exempt Position | A position exempt from civil service as provided in the State Constitution or by other legal provisions in The California State University. | HR & Payroll |
Extension Instructional Faculty | A person employed to teach extension classes. | HR & Payroll |
Extra Hours | Authorized time worked in excess of the regularly scheduled workweek, e.g., overtime. | HR & Payroll |
Face to Face Program | Face-to-face delivery is the traditional classroom-based program, intended to be offered on campus. The CSU program does not require online courses (asynchronous or synchronous) to complete degree requirements, and the program can be completed entirely through traditional face-to-face courses. Students may opt to take online or hybrid courses to meet degree requirements, however, it is assumed that students will attend in person even though instruction in some course sections may be fully online or partly online. A "face-to-face" degree program would not be designed to include required courses that are available only through online modality. Even though a student might pursue an online course off campus for a GE or elective course taught online, the program design would still be considered "fully face-to-face." | Applicant, Degree, Special Sessions, Student, Research & Analysis |
Facility Number | The numerical designation assigned by a campus to a facility. A facility is an independent structural aggregation of related spaces, i.e., a building. | Faculty Reporting |
Faculty Contact Hours | This section data element identifies, for a given CS number segment, the total number of hours per week that the instructor was physically present with students while delivering instruction. | Faculty Reporting |
Faculty Rank | Faculty rank refers to the faculty classification plan where the traditional levels in the faculty hierarchy are defined as Assistant, Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor. A faculty member who has been hired as an Assistant Professor will be referred to as holding the rank of Assistant Professor. Movement from one rank to the next higher rank generally originates with recommendation/approval from the campus president. | HR & Payroll |
Faculty Student Mentor Program (FSMP) | The Faculty Student Mentor Program (FSMP) is one of several educational equity programs designed to provide students with the academic support and encouragement needed to accomplish their educational goals. The Faculty Student Mentor Program is designed to offer academic and personal support to students from traditionally low-income communities. | Centers & Organizations |
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) | The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. Students have the right to review their own educational records, but schools must have written permission from the student to release such information to others. | Student, Research & Analysis |
Federal Discipline | Instructional program specialties that are based on the classification of instructional programs code (CIP). | Research & Analysis |
Federal Pell Grant Award | A code that identifies whether a student received a Pell Grant for the particular term. | Financial Aid |
Federal Work Study Award | A code that identifies whether a student received Federal Work Study (FWS) for the particular term. | Financial Aid |
Fee Waiver Code | A code established by the Chancellor’s Office to identify the program used when waiving (or reducing) tuition and other fees for a student. | Special Sessions, Student |
Fellowship | A type of financial aid for graduate students that waives part or all of due tuition in exchange for some type of work or assistance in return | Student |
FERPA | See Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act | Student, Research & Analysis |
FGI | See Center for First Generation Student Initiatives | Centers & Organizations |
Financial Wellness | Financial Wellness is a peer-to-peer program that educates and prepares students to effectively manage their resources, giving them the confidence they can cover expenses, emergencies and future financial goals. Peer Coaches are available to meet with students individually for FREE, confidential and unlimited discussions of their financial situation. | Centers & Organizations |
First Generation | Based on the Parent Education Level variable, which is derived using an aggregation of the Parent/Guardian #1 and Parent/Guardian #2 Education Code variables from the ERSA file. Students are coded as First Generation if they reported both parent's education code as 1 (No High School), 2 (Some High School), or 3 (High School Graduate). All other students are coded as Not First Generation. | Research & Analysis |
First Generation of Family to Earn a Bachelor's Degree | A student with one or more parents who attended college, and neither parent had earned a bachelor degree or higher. | Research & Analysis |
First Generation to Attend College | A student who is among first generation of their family to attend a college or university; parents' highest education level is high school diploma or less. | Research & Analysis |
First-Time Freshmen | A student who has no prior postsecondary experience and is attending a CSU for the first time at the undergraduate level. The definition of “first-time” allows for students to still be classified as first-time if they have earned college units prior to matriculation. | Research & Analysis |
Foster Youth Increase/Bump | A code that identifies whether a student received a bump for admission due to student’s status as Foster Youth. | Applicant |
Four-One-Four Calendar (4-1-4) | The 4-1-4 calendar consists of a fall and spring term of 13 weeks with a winter term of 4 weeks. CSU Stanislaus is the only campus that had a 4-1-4 calendar. CSU Stanislaus became a semester campus in 2010-11. | Research & Analysis |
Freshman | A first-year undergraduate student with 0-29.9 semester units or 0-44.9 quarter units. | Research & Analysis |
Freshmen 4-year Graduation Rate | The number of first-time, full-time freshmen enrolling in the fall of the cohort year, who earned a baccalaureate degree within the next four years (including the trailing summer term). | Research & Analysis |
Freshmen 6-year Graduation Rate | The number of first-time, full-time freshmen enrolling in the fall of the cohort year, who earned a baccalaureate degree within the next six years (including the trailing summer term). | Research & Analysis |
FSMP | See Faculty Student Mentor Program | Centers & Organizations |
FTE | See Full Time Equivalent Faculty or Full Time Equivalent Student | Research & Analysis, Faculty Reporting |
FTEF | See Full Time Equivalent Faculty | Faculty Reporting |
FTES | See Full-Time Equivalent Student Enrollment | Research & Analysis |
Full Circle Project | The Full Circle Project is a comprehensive academic support program by Sacramento State, the Department of Ethnic Studies, and the Asian American Studies program. FCP helps incoming Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) first-year students transition from high school and community college and graduate from Sacramento State with a transformational university experience. FCP is nationally recognized as the premier student success program primarily addressing the diverse needs and interests of Sacramento State’s APIDA and other high need students. | Centers & Organizations |
Full Time Equivalent Faculty (FTEF) | This section data element represents, for a given individual section, the credited portion of the instructor’s total (all department assignments) reported Instructional Faculty Fraction (IFF) that was allocated by the APD56 crossover job to that specific section. | Faculty Reporting |
Full-Time Employee | Individuals employed 100 percent of the time; includes full-time employees on leave with pay. | HR & Payroll |
Full-Time Equivalent Student Enrollment (FTES) | Term FTE for undergraduate students is the sum of total semester units attempted by the student divided by 15. Term FTE for graduate students (seeking a master’s or doctoral degree) is the sum of total semester units attempted by the student divided by 12. Course FTE for undergraduate students is the sum of total units attempted by all undergraduate students in the course divided by 15. Course FTE for graduate students (seeking a master’s or doctoral degree) is the sum of total units attempted by all graduate students in the course divided by 12. | Research & Analysis |
Full-Time Status | For undergraduate students, full-time refers to a student who is enrolled in 12 or more semester or quarter credits. For graduate and postbaccalaureate students, full-time refers to a student who is enrolled in 9 or more semester or quarter credits. | Research & Analysis |
Fully Online Program | The degree program is designed and approved by the Chancellor's Office as fully online (asynchronous or synchronous), and all CSU instruction is expected to be completed through this mode. CSU instruction in the program does not require traditional face-to-face courses to complete degree requirements. Students may transfer in face-to-face course credits; however, the CSU program remains "fully online." | Applicant, Degree, Special Sessions, Student, Research & Analysis |
GE | See General Education | Applicant |
GE-Breadth Critical Thinking Course Completion Status | A code indicating that an undergraduate applicant has completed the GE-Breadth Critical Thinking course requirement with a minimum grade of C prior to enrolling at a CSU campus. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
GE-Breadth English Composition Course Completion Status | A code indicating that an undergraduate applicant has completed the GE-Breadth English Composition course requirement with a minimum grade of C prior to enrolling at a CSU campus. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
GE-Breadth Math/Quantitative Reasoning Course Completion Status | A code indicating that an undergraduate applicant has completed the GE-Breadth Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning course requirement with a minimum grade of C prior to enrolling at a CSU campus. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
GE-Breadth Oral Communications Course Completion Status | A code indicating that an undergraduate applicant has completed the GE-Breadth Oral Communications course requirement with a minimum grade of C prior to enrolling at a CSU campus. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
Gender Expression Code | A code that indicates the gender expression of a student. | Applicant, Degree, Special Sessions, Student |
Gender Identity Code | A code that indicates the gender identity of a student. | Applicant, Degree, Special Sessions, Student |
General Education Breadth Requirements | General Education-Breadth requirements refer to a specific program of lower-division general education courses that a student must complete as a prerequisite to being awarded a baccalaureate degree. | Applicant |
General Education (GE) | General education encompasses courses in the arts and sciences that provide students with a broad educational experience. Courses typically are introductory in nature and provide students with fundamental skills and knowledge in mathematics, English, arts, humanities, and physical, biological, and social sciences. Completion of a GE program is required to earn a baccalaureate degree from the CSU. | Applicant |
General Education Honors Program | The General Education Honors Program is a course of study to provide academic challenges and enhanced learning for highly motivated students at Sacramento State. Honors students take most of these courses in their freshman and sophomore years. There is an additional nine-unit upper division Honors sequence that students take to earn an Honors certificate upon graduation. The Honors courses fulfill almost all Sacramento State General Education requirements. | Centers & Organizations |
GMAT | See Graduate Management Admissions Test | Student |
Good Standing | Good standing requires that, at the time of application for admission to the CSU and at the time of admission, the applicant was not under disciplinary or academic suspension, disqualification, dismissal, expulsion or similar action by the last college or university attended or was not under disciplinary or academic suspension, disqualification, dismissal, expulsion or similar action at any CSU institution. | Applicant |
GPA | See Grade Point Average | Student |
Grade Point Average (GPA) | The average of all grades received in baccalaureate-level courses. For transfer students, grade point average refers to the average grade received in transferable units. Also called cumulative grade point average. | Student |
Graduate | A student who has completed a course of study at the university level. A graduate program at a university is a study course for students who already hold a bachelor's degree. | Student |
Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) | This is an exam required for most MBA and business school graduate programs. As with the LSAT, it replaces other entrance exams for programs in business. | Student |
Graduate Record Exam (GRE) | This exam is required for admission to many graduate programs around the country. There are two elements: general and subject matter. Similar in purpose to the SAT’s for undergraduate study, the GRE is an assessment of a student's knowledge, cognitive abilities and reasoning skills. | Student |
Graduate Student | A student who holds an acceptable baccalaureate, or its equivalent, and is enrolled in a graduate program (master’s or doctoral). | Research & Analysis |
Graduate Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR) | The Graduate GWAR is a CSU-wide requirement that should be completed by graduate students before advancing to candidacy. The purpose of the GWAR is for students to demonstrate their proficiency at writing in an academic setting at a graduate-level. | Student |
Graduation Rates | Graduation rates are calculated based on the Fall incoming student cohorts of first-time full-time freshmen and California Community College transfers who are sophomore level or above and new to a CSU campus. Graduation is determined by the year and term the student graduates in the trailing summer of an academic year. Graduation rates are inclusive of all students graduating within the time frame or less. For example, for a 6 year graduation rate, students who graduate in 6 years or fewer are included as long as they graduate by the summer of their 6th year. | Research & Analysis |
Graduation Requirement | Units, courses, examinations or academic programs that must be completed to obtain a baccalaureate degree. Graduation requirements include major, general education, U.S. History, Constitution and American Ideals and elective courses, as well as campus-specific requirements. | Applicant |
Graduation with Honors | Honors at Graduation are awarded to Sacramento State bachelor’s degree graduates who complete a minimum of 30 graded units in residence with a qualifying grade point average. Honors are awarded based on the following grade point average ranges: Cum Laude 3.50-3.749, Magna Cum Laude 3.75-3.899, Summa Cum Laude 3.90-4.000. For posting of honors on the transcript, the GPA calculation will include all Sacramento State coursework, including the final semester. Second bachelor’s degree graduates are not eligible for Honors at Graduation. | Student |
Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR) | The Undergraduate GWAR is a CSU-wide requirement that should be completed by undergraduate and second bachelor’s students in their junior year. The GWAR is satisfied by completing a designated upper division Writing Intensive (WI) course with a grade of C- or better. All WI courses have a prerequisite that can be met either by submitting a Writing Placement for Juniors Portfolio (WPJ) or by completing ENGL 109W or ENGL 109M. | Student |
GRE | See Graduate Record Exam | Student |
GSP | See Guardian Scholars Program | Centers & Organizations |
Guardian Scholars Program (GSP) | The Guardian Scholars Program at Sacramento State is designed to support current and foster youth students by increasing graduation rates and their overall success. | Centers & Organizations |
GWAR | See Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement or Graduate Writing Assessment Requirement | Student |
Headcount Enrollment | The number of students actively enrolled at a campus for a specified census date. | Research & Analysis |
High School GPA | This field will contain the high school grade point average based upon six semesters of work taken in grades ten through twelve. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
High School Graduation Year | The year of graduation from high school. If a student is currently enrolled in high school, code the anticipated year of graduation (not greater than term year plus one). | Degree, Special Sessions, Student |
High School Math GPA For Placement Considerations | This field will contain the high school math grade point average used for placement considerations. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
High School Transcript Status | This code identifies whether or not the high school transcript has been received and is complete. | Applicant |
High School/College Unit Equivalent | One college-level course of at least three semester (four quarter) units is usually considered equivalent to one year of high school study. | Applicant |
Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) | As a Minority-Serving Institution, Sacramento State is committed to using research and best practices to increase awareness and ability to serve a diverse student body. | Centers & Organizations |
Hispanic/Latino Ethnic Category | Category selected via the CalState Apply or Hispanic or Latino category question ONLY if the student responded Yes to the Hispanic/Latino ethnicity question - Do you consider yourself Hispanic or Latino? | Applicant, Degree, Off-Campus, Race/Ethnicity, Special Sessions, Student, Teacher Credential |
Hispanic/Latino Status | Response to the ethnicity question on CalState Apply - Do you consider yourself Hispanic or Latino? | Applicant, Degree, Off-Campus, Race/Ethnicity, Special Sessions, Student, Teacher Credential |
Hornet Attain | Hornet Attain helps working-age adults who left Sacramento State before graduating, return to complete their degree. The adult-friendly advisors understand the challenge of balancing work, family, and financial obligations. They provide one-on-one guidance and support to help students return to Sacramento State and achieve their personal and professional goals. | Centers & Organizations |
Hornet Launch Program | The Hornet Launch Program pre-enrolls first-time, first-year students in their first semester. The structured schedules created for students provide meaningful, productive classes to ensure all new freshmen students are on track to graduate in four years. | Student |
Hourly Appointments | A type of appointment used when the schedule of work may vary from day-to-day or week-to-week, usually for a short period of time but which may be for an extended period. Those who work approximately the same number of hours each pay period should be appointed to a fractional time base as opposed to an hourly time base. | HR & Payroll |
HSI | See Hispanic Serving Institution | Centers & Organizations |
Hybrid Program | The "hybrid" designation signifies that the CSU degree program requires both traditional face-to-face courses and online courses (asynchronous or synchronous) to complete degree requirements. | Applicant, Degree, Special Sessions, Student, Research & Analysis |
IAF | See Instructional Administrative Fraction | Faculty Reporting |
IB | See International Baccalaureate | Student |
IELTS | See International English Language Testing System | Student |
IFF | See Instructional Faculty Fraction | Faculty Reporting |
IGETC | See Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum | Applicant |
Immigration Year | If the student was born outside of the United States and was not a U.S. citizen, the year of immigration. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
Impacted Major Code | A code that identifies whether the student is enrolled in impacted major or not. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
Impacted Major/Campus | In the CSU, an undergraduate major or campus is designated as impacted when the number of CSU eligible applications received in the initial filing period is greater than the number that can be accommodated by the major or campus. | Applicant |
Incomplete Application | An accommodated application that lacks the necessary information for the university to reach an admissions decision. | Research & Analysis |
Independent Family Size | Family size as entered on a CSU application for admission by an applicant who determines him/ herself to be independent for financial aid purposes. Family size includes the applicant him/ herself as well as a spouse, if any, and other dependents, e.g., children. | Applicant |
Independent Income Code | The gross annual income reported by independent applicants via the CSU application for admission. The income includes all taxable income and any untaxed income or benefits of the applicant and his/her spouse, if applicable. | Applicant |
Initial Application Filing Period | The primary period in which applications for admission for an academic term are accepted by CSU campuses. Applications to impacted majors of study must be filed during this period. Initial filing periods for admission terms are as follows: October and November for fall; February for summer; June for winter; and August for spring. | Applicant |
Institution of Origin | The college or university where the student completed the most transferable units or earned an associate degree for transfer. The institution of origin for first-time freshmen is the high school from which the student graduated. | Applicant, Research & Analysis |
Institution Origin Code | A code which uniquely identifies the student’s institution of origin, whether it be a high school, community college, university, or other. | Applicant, Degree, Special Sessions, Student |
Instructional Administrative Fraction (IAF) | A data element which indicates the share of a faculty appointment that is supported by instructional administrative funds. | Faculty Reporting |
Instructional Faculty | All regular instructional faculty, including department chairs and lecturers. Excludes librarians, coaches and counselors. Also excludes extension or summer session faculty. | HR & Payroll |
Instructional Faculty Fraction (IFF) | An element that specifies the portion of a faculty appointment supported by instructional funds (see Full Time Equivalent Faculty). The value of this field is not affected by tenure status, i.e., temporary non-tenured faculty member would have an instructional faculty fraction of 1.000 when teaching a full load of classes. | Faculty Reporting |
Intent to Enroll/Register | Applicants who have been offered admission notify the campus of their acceptance and if required, make a deposit by the specified campus deadline. | Student |
International Baccalaureate (IB) Exam | The International Baccalaureate (IB) exam assesses student work and measures students’ academic, intercultural and basic skills. Each campus in the CSU system determines how it will apply external examinations toward credit in the major. | Student |
International English Language Testing System (IELTS) | A test that measures ability to communicate in English across all four language skills – listening, reading, writing and speaking – for people who intend to study or work where English is the language of communication. This test is an alternative to the TOEFL. | Student |
International Student | International students are non-immigrant visitors who come to the United States temporarily to take classes. A non-immigrant visitor is someone who intends to stay in the US temporarily, and does not have US citizenship or legal permanent resident status (a "green card"). | Research & Analysis |
Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) | A program of courses that can be completed at a California Community College (CCC) to satisfy all lower division general education requirements at any CSU or UC campus. | Applicant |
IPEDS | The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), established as the core postsecondary education data collection program. | Applicant, Degree, Off-Campus, Special Sessions, Student |
IPEDS Race/Ethnicity Reporting Category | This value is derived based on the race/ethnicity selection(s) that the student made on the CSU Undergraduate Admissions Application (Questions 18a thru 18c for 2009-2010) or on the CSU Graduate Admissions Application (Questions 16a thru 16c for 2009-2010). | Applicant, Degree, Off-Campus, Special Sessions, Student |
Issuance Date | The issuance date entered on the credential document. This date indicates that the student has filed a credential application with a CSU credential analyst and that all credential requirements have been met. | Teacher Credential |
Junior | A third-year undergraduate student with 60.0 to 89.9 semester units or 90.0 to 134.9 quarter units. | Research & Analysis |
Law School Admission Test (LSAT) | The Law School Admission Test is a standardized test administered by the Law School Admission Council for prospective law school candidates. It is designed to assess reading comprehension as well as logical and verbal reasoning proficiency. | Student |
Learning Mode | For a given course offering, identifies the instructor/enrolled students environment as either live instructor with physically present students (“Face-to-Face” mode) or prescheduled (days/hours) remote broadcast of instruction ("Synchronous” mode) or web delivered instruction available to students 24/7 (“Asynchronous” mode). | Faculty Reporting |
Lecturer | Includes all instructional faculty with temporary appointments (non-tenure track). | HR & Payroll |
Local Area | Students are granted priority admission because they are from a high school or community college within Cal State Campus local geographical area, in order to better serve the community. | Research & Analysis |
Local Area Status | A code that identifies whether an applicant’s last school attended is located within the campus local admission area. | Applicant |
Lower Division | Program of courses designed for the first two years or within the first 60 semester units of study toward a baccalaureate degree, often taken at a community college and transferred to a university. Also refers to freshmen and sophomores. | Applicant |
Lower-Division Transfer | An applicant who has completed fewer than 60 transferable semester units is considered a lower-division transfer. Because of enrollment pressure, most CSU campuses do not accept lower-division transfers in order that more space is available for qualified upper-division transfer students. | Applicant |
LSAT | See Law School Admission Test | Student |
Major | The subject area in which a student pursuing a college degree develops greatest depth of knowledge. | Student |
Major Alignment File | A custom-made a file that identifies the majors that fall within each college. | Research & Analysis |
Major Code (formerly known as Degree Code or Major Degree Code) | Formerly known as Degree Code or Major Degree Code, in the primary ERSD file, a code which identifies the major area of study for which a degree was conferred. In the supplementary ERSD file, a code which identifies additional major areas of study for which a degree was conferred. | Applicant, Degree, Special Sessions, Student |
Male Empowerment Collaborative (MEC) | The Male Empowerment Collaborative's (MEC) goal is to increase retention and graduation rates of all males on campus, increase the retention rates of underrepresented minority (URM) and non-URM males by 3% per year over the next four years, assist URM and non-URM males in improving their GPAs .2 points higher than the previous semester until they graduate, enhance URM and non-URM male connections to campus life and teach URM and non-URM males to take initiative to make positive changes | Centers & Organizations |
Management Personnel Plan (MPP) | An appointment to one of several Administrator classes identified in the CSU Salary Schedule. MPP appointees serve at the pleasure of the campus President or the Chancellor. | HR & Payroll |
Mandatory Reinstatement | Mandatory reinstatement (return from permanent or temporary separation) refers to those circumstances when either by law, regulation or policy an employee is entitled to be restored to a position. | HR & Payroll |
Martin Luther King Jr. Center (MLK Center) | The program established in the Fall of 2015, is a major cornerstone for efforts to ensure the success of African American students or those with an interest in African American heritage in their quest toward a college degree at Sacramento State. | Centers & Organizations |
Master's degree | Degree awarded upon completion of academic requirements that usually include a minimum of one year's study beyond the bachelor's degree. | Student |
Mathematics, Engineering, and Science Achievement (MESA) Program | The MESA Engineering Program supports educationally disadvantaged students to attain four-year degrees in engineering or computer science. The program establishes a peer community for its students, most of whom are first in their family to go to college. | Centers & Organizations |
Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning Placement Status | A code that initially indicates an undergraduate’s placement status in college level mathematics/quantitative reasoning courses and the method by which placement was determined by the close of the ERSS processing period for the first term in which the student was enrolled. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
Matriculation Period | The year and term of first attendance in any term of the regular sessions at the reporting California State University. A student shall be in attendance if he registers and pays fees. The date of first attendance for a postbaccalaureate student shall be the year and term of first attendance after earning a baccalaureate degree. | Degree, Special Sessions, Student, Teacher Credential |
Matriculation Type | A code which identifies whether the student is matriculated in a state-supported program or a self- supported program. | Special Sessions, Student |
MEC | See Male Empowerment Collaborative | Centers & Organizations |
MESA | See Mathematics, Engineering, and Science Achievement | Centers & Organizations |
Migrant Student Leadership Institute (MSLI) | The Migrant Student Leadership Institute (MSLI) is a two-week residential summer program for migrant high school students from various regions throughout the state of California. The mission of the institute is to prepare students to become college-ready, competitive candidates for admission to a four-year institution and ultimately future leaders in the local communities. | Centers & Organizations |
Military Increase/Bump | A code that identifies whether a student received a bump for admission due to military experience. | Applicant |
MPP | See Management Personnel Plan | HR & Payroll |
MSLI | See Migrant Student Leadership Institute | Centers & Organizations |
Multicultural Center | The Multi-Cultural Center (MCC) is a space where students can build community and cultural understanding of self and others. The staff is equipped to support students in achieving their academic and career goals. | Centers & Organizations |
Multiple Major Degree Flag | This field contains the number of additional majors for which the degree was conferred. It does not include the primary major code in this number. | Degree |
Multiple Race Category | Derived value from CalState Apply based on the "What is your race?" question. | Applicant, Degree, Off-Campus, Special Sessions, Student, Teacher Credential |
Multiple Subject Teaching Credential | The multiple subject teaching credential authorizes the teaching credential holder to teach in public elementary schools where they are in a self-contained classroom teaching all the subjects. | Research & Analysis |
Music Studio Instructional Faculty | A person employed on a unit of work basis for the purpose of music instruction. | HR & Payroll |
Native Scholars Transition Program (NSTP) | The mission of the Native Transition Scholars Program is to increase the enrollment and retention of Native American student for both incoming First-Time Freshmen and Transfer Students at Sacramento State. | Centers & Organizations |
Native Transfer Scholars Program (NTSP) | In an effort to increase the Native American student population at Sacramento State, the campus has collaborated with the Los Rios Community College, Sierra and Yuba College Native America Resource Centers. The mission of the program is to develop an early relationship with the Native America transfers and help them prepare to transfer. | Centers & Organizations |
New Student | A freshmen or transfer student at the undergraduate, graduate or Postbac level, both full-time and part-time, attending a CSU campus for the first time. | Research & Analysis |
Non-Academic Employee | An employee who provides supporting services such as clerical, secretarial or maintenance, which are non-instructional and non-administrative in nature. Such an employee may have supervisory responsibility but normally does not have responsibility for major decisions. An employee in this category is not required to have higher academic degrees as an essential qualification for service. | HR & Payroll |
Non-Instructional Faculty | Librarians, coaches and counselors. | HR & Payroll |
Non-Represented Student Employees | Student employees who are not represented by a labor union. | HR & Payroll |
Non-Resident Alien | A student who is not a citizen or national of the United States and who is in this country on a visa or temporary basis and does not have the right to remain indefinitely. | Research & Analysis |
Non-Resident Graduate Student Credit Units | This section data element identifies the total number of earned Student Credit Units for all non-resident graduate students enrolled in a given section. | Faculty Reporting |
Non-Resident Non-Graduate Student Credit Units | This section data element identifies the total earned Student Credit Units for all nonresident undergraduate, credential and post-baccalaureate students enrolled in a given section. | Faculty Reporting |
Non-Roster Appointment | Non-roster appointments authorize the SCO to pay a specified amount of money from an accompanying position number to a particular individual. Such transactions are short-term or one-time payments and include special consultants, substitute faculty, summer session and extension teachers, etc. | HR & Payroll |
Non-Traditional Session | It is a state supported instructional program with a census date that falls after the census date of the traditional state supported session. The census date for non-traditional session may or may not fall between the starting cutoff date and the ending cutoff date for a term. | Research & Analysis |
NSTP | See Native Scholars Transition Program | Centers & Organizations |
NTSP | See Native Transfer Scholars Program | Centers & Organizations |
Number of Segments | This data element occurs in both the Section Master File and the Faculty Master File. In the former it identifies the total number of (extract file) transactions reported for a given section. In the Faculty Master File, it identifies the total number of distinct sections taught by a particular faculty member during the term in question | Faculty Reporting |
Option Suffix Code | A code in ERSA, ERSD, and ERSS which identifies a student’s primary major degree program, option, concentration, or emphasis suffix code in which the student has applied, been admitted, and/or been enrolled. | Applicant |
OSF | See Other Support Fraction | Faculty Reporting |
Other Increase/Bump | A code that identifies whether a student received a bump for admission as result of campus specific criteria. Additional criteria can include: i. Adjacent CSU ii. Major Specific Criteria Scale iii. Local Promise Program iv. Any other campus determined bump. | Applicant |
Other Support Fraction (OSF) | A data element which indicates the share of a faculty appointment that is supported by state budget funding other than instructional faculty or instructional administration. | Faculty Reporting |
PARC | See Peer Academic Resource Center | Centers & Organizations |
Parent/Guardian #1 Education Code | The highest level of education attained by an applicant’s parent/guardian #1, as indicated on the CSU application for admission. | Applicant |
Parent/Guardian #2 Education Code | The highest level of education attained by an applicant’s parent/guardian #2, as indicated on the CSU application for admission. | Applicant |
Parents & Family Program | The Parent's & Families program serves two Sacramento State communities: the parents and families of Sacramento State students wishing to connect with the campus experience and Sacramento State students who have their own children and families to care for while working towards their degree. The Program connects students with children to peer mentorship, and academic support, and low-cost childcare grants and services through Hornet Family Study Care while they juggle school, work, and parenting. | Centers & Organizations |
Part-Time Employee | Includes employees whose assignments at a given campus are less than 100 percent of time. Individuals employed simultaneously at two campuses are counted as two employees. | HR & Payroll |
Part-Time Status | For undergraduate students, part-time refers to a student who is enrolled with less than 12 semester or quarter credits. For graduate students, part-time refers to a student who is enrolled with less than 9 semester or quarter credits. | Research & Analysis |
PASS | See Peer-Assisted Student Success Advising Project | Centers & Organizations |
Paving, Excellence, Retention, Success in Student Trajectories (PERSIST) | PERSIST serves second year students that have an overall cumulative 2.4 grade point average and above and have declared a major. The program's mission is to increase second-year students retention and decrease their time to graduate. | Centers & Organizations |
Pay Plan | There are five pay plans for CSU employees: Twelve-month (12/12), ten month (10/10), eleven-twelve (11/12), ten-twelve (10/12), and academic year. | HR & Payroll |
Payroll Procedures Manual (PPM) | The Payroll Procedures Manual, is developed and published by the State Controller's Office. The manual contains policy and procedures for those agencies participating in the Uniform State Payroll System. Payroll procedures for the CSU, which differ from other agencies, are in separate sections of the manual. This manual is the basic reference source for payroll clerks. | HR & Payroll |
Payroll Service | A section of SCO Personnel/Payroll Services Division (PPSD), that is responsible for all payroll functions. | HR & Payroll |
PB2B | Postbaccalaureate 2nd Bachelors | Student |
PB2M | Postbaccalaureate 2nd Masters | Student |
PBCED | Postbaccalaureate CCE Credential | Student |
PBCR | Postbaccalaureate Credential | Student |
PBD | Postbaccalaureate Doctoral | Student |
PBED | Postbaccalaureate CCE Masters & Certificates | Student |
PBM | Postbaccalaureate Masters & Certificates | Student |
PBOT | Postbaccalaureate Other - Open University/CCE | Student |
PBSE | Postbaccalaureate Summer Early Entrant | Student |
PBT | Postbaccalaureate Transitory | Student |
PBUC | Postbaccalaureate Unclassified | Student |
Peer Academic Resource Center (PARC) | The PARC's mission is to promote the scholastic achievements of students through enriched and supportive peer-learning opportunities that aid students along the pathway to degree attainment. | Centers & Organizations |
Peer-Assisted Student Success (PASS) Advising Project | PASS Advising is a program designed to provide peer advising and support to students who may need assistance in gateway STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematic) courses. | Centers & Organizations |
Pell Equity Gap (Low Income Gap) | The difference between the 6-year Freshmen Graduation Rate for Pell recipient freshmen and not Pell recipient freshmen. | Research & Analysis |
Pell Grant Recipient | An undergraduate postsecondary student who received grant assistance based on financial need. | Research & Analysis |
Permanent Appointment | An appointment made to a permanent position or other position with the intent to continue the employment of the appointee indefinitely. The term 'permanent appointment' in and of itself confers no particular status to the employee. | HR & Payroll |
Permanent Employee | An employee who has successfully completed a probationary period and who has the right to continued employment unless he is dismissed for cause or laid off due to lack of work or lack of funds. | HR & Payroll |
PERSIST | See Paving, Excellence, Retention, Success in Student Trajectories | Centers & Organizations |
Persistence Rate | The percentage of students who return to college in the next fall semester or have earned a degree. It is the sum of the retention and graduation rate. | Research & Analysis |
Personnel Information Management Systems (PIMS) | The CSU Personnel Information Management Systems (PIMS) database, which is a computerized information file containing official personnel, payroll, and retirement information for the majority of employees of The California State University (CSU) and California State civil service. The responsibility for maintenance and security is delegated to the State Controller, who is the pay agent for The California State University. | HR & Payroll |
Personnel/Payroll Services Division (PPSD) | Personnel/Payroll Services Division is the combined sections of Personnel and Payroll Services, SCO. | HR & Payroll |
Personnel/Payroll Transaction (PPT) | The Personnel/Payroll Transaction is a unique CSU document used to establish a PIMS database record for each employee and to initiate changes to the existing database record. | HR & Payroll |
Petition for Currency | A form used to petition to include an outdated course toward completion of a degree program. The time limit for course currency is seven years for academic degree programs and five years for credential and independent doctoral programs. | Student |
Petition for Exception | A form used to make substitutions in the courses listed for completing a specific program. | Student |
Ph.D. | See Doctorate | Student |
PIMS | See Personnel Information Management Systems | HR & Payroll |
PIMS Manual | The CSU policy and procedures manual for documenting and interpreting personnel/payroll transactions on the PIMS database. The CSU PIMS Manual is used by the campuses, the SCO and California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS). The manual is written by and maintained by the Office of the Chancellor, Human Resources. | HR & Payroll |
Place-Bound Increase/Bump | A code that identifies whether a student received a bump for admission as place-bound/unable to leave the local area. | Applicant |
Position | A set of duties and responsibilities which are assigned as a job to be performed on a full-time or part-time basis. | HR & Payroll |
Position Number | A position is identified by a 13-digit code number made up as follows: Three digit agency code identifying the agency and fund from which salaries are payable; three digit reporting unit code identifying the budgetary function and the location of attendance reporting units within the agency code; four digit class code identifying the classification as shown in the CSU Salary Schedule; three digit serial number identifying the individual position within the class and reporting unit. | HR & Payroll |
Positive Attendance | Positive attendance is a method of reporting to the SCO the time worked by employees who are employed on other than a full or part-time basis. Payrolls for positive attendance employees are run after campus payroll clerks key-enter the pay request on the PIP system. Pay is issued for time worked as opposed to negative attendance where only dock time is reported. | HR & Payroll |
Postbaccalaureate Student | A student who holds an acceptable baccalaureate, or its equivalent, and are seeking a post-baccalaureate credential or certificate. | Research & Analysis |
PPM | See Payroll Procedures Manual | HR & Payroll |
PPSD | See Personnel/Payroll Services Division | HR & Payroll |
PPT | See Personnel/Payroll Transaction | HR & Payroll |
PRIDE Center | The PRIDE Center exists to create and maintain a campus environment that is open, safe, and supportive of student diversity in the areas of sexual orientation and gender identity/expression. | Centers & Organizations |
Primary Major/Plan | Indicates a student's primary academic area of study. The primary academic plan is designated by the lowest plan sequence number on the Student Plan page. | Student |
Private Institution | An educational institution controlled by a private individual(s) or by a nongovernmental agency. These institutions may be either for-profit or not-for-profit. | Research & Analysis |
Probation | Probation is that period of time during the initial stages of employment when the employee may be rejected from his position without cause. The duration of the probationary period varies with the category of the position and is identified in the appropriate collective bargaining agreement or Title 5. | HR & Payroll |
Probationary Appointment | Except in a few limited instances such as mandatory reinstatement, all new appointments are probationary appointments. | HR & Payroll |
Probationary Faculty | Tenure-track faculty employees who have not been awarded tenure. Includes individuals serving a "terminal" year. | HR & Payroll |
Program | A specified set of courses required to achieve a specific objective or degree, such as general education or major requirements. | Applicant |
Project HMONG | Project HMONG is committed to building a positive and supportive community of mentors and peers through mentoring and networking with support, guidance, and encouragement while promoting positive character development. Project HMONG’s focus is on student leadership, professional development and campus/community engagement through a cultural lens that incorporates the students’ experiences. | Centers & Organizations |
Project Rebound | Project Rebound assists students to prepare, apply, enroll, and graduate with a degree from Sacramento State. Project Rebound provides educational resources and services for students looking to develop professional skills. The program works to transform those who were formerly incarcerated into scholars through counseling, mentoring, academic resources, and career development. The program support students who are motivated to succeed by earning a high-quality degree from Sacramento State. | Centers & Organizations |
Promotion | Following a recruitment action, the movement of an employee from a position in one classification to a position in another classification having a higher level of duties and responsibilities and/or higher salary range. Movement between alternate salary ranges within a classification does not constitute a promotion. The movement of an incumbent to a higher classification as a result of a position being reclassified is not considered a promotion. | HR & Payroll |
Public Institution | An educational institution whose programs and activities are operated by publicly elected or appointed school officials and which is supported primarily by public funds. | Research & Analysis |
Quarter | A term offered within an academic year, marking the beginning and end of classes. In the CSU, two of the 23 campuses are on the quarter system. Each quarter is 10 weeks in length. | Applicant |
Quarter Calendar | The quarter calendar represents campuses that offer courses during summer, fall, winter, and spring; here each term is defined as 10 weeks of instruction. The following quarter campuses have converted to semester campuses: CSU Bakersfield and CSU Los Angeles became semester campuses in 2016-17. CSU East Bay and Cal Poly Pomona became semester campuses in 2018-19. | Research & Analysis |
Race Code 1 | White Race sub-category selected via the CSU application "What is your race ?" question. | Financial Aid, Race/Ethnicity |
Race Code 2 | Black or African American sub-category selected via the CSU application "What is your race ?" question. | Financial Aid, Race/Ethnicity |
Race Code 3 | American Indian or Alaskan Native sub-category selected via the CSU application "What is your race?" question. | Financial Aid, Race/Ethnicity |
Race Code 4 | Asian sub-category selected via the CSU application "What is your race ?" question. | Financial Aid, Race/Ethnicity |
Race Code 5 | Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander sub-category selected via the CS application "What is your race ?" question. | Financial Aid, Race/Ethnicity |
Race Code 6 | Southwest Asian North African Race sub-category selected via the CSU application "What is your race?" question. | Financial Aid, Race/Ethnicity |
Race Status | Derived value from CalState Apply "What is your race?" question. | Financial Aid, Race/Ethnicity |
Race/Ethnicity | Categories are: Black or African American ( a person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa), American Indian or Alaska Native (A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America, including Central America who maintains cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community attachment), Asian (A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian Subcontinent, including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam), Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands), Hispanic/Latino (A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race), White (A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa), and Two or More Races (A person who identifies with more than one of the above six races). | Research & Analysis |
Range Differential | The percentage of difference between two consecutive salary ranges. | HR & Payroll |
Reclassification | A change in the classification for a particular position based on an evaluation of the duties and responsibilities assigned to the position. The incumbent in the position is usually moved to the new level. A reclassification may be to a higher, lower or lateral level of duties and responsibilities and/or salary rate. | HR & Payroll |
Redirected Application | A redirected application is one that was forwarded to another CSU campus either with or without evaluation. | Research & Analysis |
Redirection | This refers to a process that ensures that applicants eligible for admission who cannot be accommodated at their first-choice campus(es) are redirected to another CSU campus without having to complete another application for admission. | Applicant |
Redirection Status | A value assigned by the sending campus that identifies the redirection action of an application with "Denied and CSU-eligible" status. | Applicant |
Registered Nurse Code | A code that identifies whether a student was already a registered nurse when he or she matriculated to the CSU. | Applicant, Degree, Special Sessions, Student |
Regular Admissions | Applicants are assigned regular admission status if their academic record fully meets the CSU admissions criteria. | Research & Analysis |
Regular Session | The State-supported instructional program offered in the summer, fall, winter, and spring terms that are enumerated at census date. It does not include self-supported Summer Sessions or self-supported Extension Programs. | Student, Research & Analysis |
Reporting Unit | Three digits identifying the budgetary function and the location of attendance reporting units within the agency code. | HR & Payroll |
Represented Student Employees | Teaching associates (TA), graduate assistants (GA) and instructional student assistants (ISA) who are represented by UAW. | HR & Payroll |
Required Entry | Identifies specific elements fields on the required/conditional table that must be entered on a particular transaction. | HR & Payroll |
Residence Code | The California county, state, or possession of the United States, or country of permanent residence, at the time of application. | Applicant, Degree, Special Sessions, Student |
Residence Status | A code which identifies a student’s residence status for fee purposes. | Applicant, Degree, Special Sessions, Student |
Residency for Tuition Purposes | University requirements for establishing residency are independent from those of other types of residency, such as for tax purposes, or other state or institutional residency. These regulations were promulgated not to determine whether a student is a resident or nonresident of California, but rather to determine whether a student should pay tuition on an in-state or out-of-state basis. | Applicant |
Residency Requirement | Students must complete a minimum of 30 semester (45 quarter) units at the CSU campus where the degree will be earned; 24 of these units must be upper-division. | Applicant |
Resident | Identifies a student’s resident status as a resident of California or as a non-resident for fee purposes. | Research & Analysis |
Retention Rate | The percentage of students who continue to study in the next fall semester are counted in this rate. Retention rates are calculated based on a fall to fall enrollment. Also known as continuation rate. | Research & Analysis |
Returning Student | A former student returning after a leave of absence of one or more terms of the regular terms who had no units attempted elsewhere during the absence from the campus. | Research & Analysis |
Sabbatical Leave Replacement | A temporary appointment of a faculty member to replace a regular faculty member who has been granted a leave of absence with pay. | HR & Payroll |
Salary Range | The minimum and maximum rate currently authorized for the classification. | HR & Payroll |
Salary Rate | Any one of the salary rates within a salary range. | HR & Payroll |
SAM | See State Administrative Manual | HR & Payroll |
SARC | See Student Athlete Resource Center | Centers & Organizations |
SAT | Previously known as the Scholastic Aptitude Test, this is an examination administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) and used to predict the facility with which an individual will progress in learning college level academic subjects. | Research & Analysis |
SAT Score Type | This field indicates whether or not SAT scores reported have been re-centered according to score re-scaling implemented by the College Board in April 1995. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
SB 1440 | The Student Transfer Achievement Reform Act (STAR Act) originating from Senate Bill (SB) 1440 requires that California Community Colleges (CCC) and the CSU create a transfer pathway which includes an associate degree for transfer (ADT) created by the CCC that includes no more than 60 semester (90 quarter) units and consists of 39 semester (58.5 quarter) units of general education and 18 semester (27 quarter) units of lower-division major coursework and that is fully transferable to CSU. Students who receive the associate degree for transfer (ADT) are eligible for admission with junior standing and are given priority admission consideration to the CSU system and guaranteed admission to their local CSU. Students admitted to a program or major that is determined by the CSU to be similar to the transfer AA degree are eligible to graduate with no more than 60 semester (90 quarter) units remaining. | Applicant |
SCO | See State Controller's Office | HR & Payroll |
SCU | See Student Credit Unit | Faculty Reporting |
Self-Support Courses | Courses that are funded entirely by student fees. | Research & Analysis |
Self-Support Programs | Instructional programs that do not receive state funding and instead collect non-state student fees to fund operation. | Research & Analysis |
Semester | A term within an academic year marking the beginning and end of classes. In the CSU, 21 of the 23 campuses are on the semester system. Traditional semesters are 15 weeks in length. Semester campuses may offer summer terms that are less than 15 weeks in length. | Applicant |
Semester Calendar | Campuses that offer courses during fall and spring, with each term defined as 15 weeks of instruction. Campuses on a semester calendar may also have a short winter session (often self-support). The following quarter campuses have converted to semester campuses: CSU Bakersfield and CSU Los Angeles became semester campuses in 2016-17. CSU East Bay and Cal Poly Pomona became semester campuses in 2018-19. | Research & Analysis |
Senior | A fourth-year undergraduate student with 90.0 or more semester units or 135.0 or more quarter units. | Research & Analysis |
Separation Form | The Separation/Disposition of CalPERS Contributions, Form 687, is completed by employees who are separating from State or CSU employment. | HR & Payroll |
Serna Center | The mission of the Serna Center is to promote, foster, and enhance LEADERSHIP, EMPOWERMENT, SELF-ADVOCACY and CIVIC ENGAGEMENT among Chicanxs/Latinxs students, but also, students from other under-represented backgrounds at Sacramento State. | Centers & Organizations |
sERSS | The Enrollment Reporting System - Student (ERSS) data file reports non state-supported campus enrollment data (including student demographics) and is based on the census date for each term. The census date for regular sessions of summer, fall, and spring terms is the 20th day of actual instruction after a term starts, or at the end of 4 weeks of instruction for semester campuses. | Special Sessions |
Service Learning Indicator | This data element is used to identify courses designated as "service learning" by a particular CSU campus. In general terms, a service learning course actively involves the student in a community service experience that directly relates to the content area of the course in question. | Faculty Reporting |
Service To Students With Disabilities (SSWD) | Services to Students with Disabilities (SSWD) offers a wide range of accommodation services that ensure students with disabilities have equal access and opportunity to pursue their educational goals. | Centers & Organizations |
Service-Based Salary Increase (SSI) | Salary increase based on an established anniversary date on the employee’s record. | HR & Payroll |
SES | See Socioeconomic Status | Research & Analysis |
Seven Year Deadline | All work toward a master's degree, including transferred credits, course work, and thesis, must be completed within seven years. This time limit is required of all master's candidates at Sacramento State (other institutions of higher education across the country have similar deadlines). Occasionally an extraordinary situation will arise whereby a student will want to challenge the time limit. The burden to establish currency in an expired course (a course completed more than seven years ago) falls to the student. In such a case the Petition for Currency form would be used to request a one semester extension beyond the limit. | Student |
SEVIS ID | Student and Exchange Visitor Information System identification number. | Student |
Sex Code | A code that indicates the gender of a student. | Applicant, Degree, Race/Ethnicity, Special Sessions, Student |
Sexual Orientation Code | A code that indicates the Sexual Orientation of a student. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
Single Subject Credential | The single subject teaching credential authorizes the teaching credential holder to teach the specific subject(s) named on the credential in departmentalized classes, such as those in middle schools and high schools, in grade preschool, K-12, or in classes organized primarily for adults. | Research & Analysis |
Social Security Number | The unique number identification as assigned by the Social Security Administration. | Applicant, Degree, Off-Campus, Race/Ethnicity, Special Sessions, Student, Teacher Credential |
Socioeconomic Status (SES) | Tends to refer to a combination of factors related to a student's social class. In the context of students, this typically includes family income, parental education (e.g., first-generation status), and parental occupation. | Research & Analysis |
Sophomore | A second-year undergraduate student with 30.0 to 59.9 units or 45.0 to 89.9 quarter units. | Research & Analysis |
Special Education Teaching Credential | The special education (education specialist instruction) authorizes the teaching credential holder to teach in the disability areas of specialization, such as Mild/Moderate Disabilities, Moderate/Severe Disabilities, Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Visual Impairments, Physical and Health Impairments, and Early Childhood Special Education. | Research & Analysis |
Special Program | The special programs included in CSU enrollment reporting are Cal State TEACH, International Programs, and Summer Arts. | Research & Analysis |
Special Programs Code (Chancellor's Office Only) | A code which identifies enrollment in one of the CSU systemwide programs. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
Special Session | The self-supported instructional program offered in the summer, fall, winter, and spring terms. | Special Sessions, Research & Analysis |
SSC | See Student Services Center | Centers & Organizations |
SSI | See Service-Based Salary Increase | HR & Payroll |
SSID | See Statewide Student Identifier | Applicant, Degree, Financial Aid, Off-Campus, Race/Ethnicity, Special Sessions, Student, Teacher Credential |
SSWD | See Service To Students With Disabilities | Centers & Organizations |
Staff | Employees with a primary appointment other than faculty or student employee. Excludes executive and management. | HR & Payroll |
Start Date (Cal State TEACH) | The Start Date is the beginning date of the Cal State TEACH "stage one" academic program, which will be completed in four stages during an 18-month period. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
State Administrative Manual (SAM) | The State Administrative Manual is published by the Department of Finance and contains general policy and directives, which apply to all state agencies. The Chancellor's Office will notify the campuses in the event particular sections of SAM do not apply to the CSU. | HR & Payroll |
State Controller's Office (SCO) | The State Controller's Office has constitutional responsibility for the payroll function, called the Uniform State Payroll System. The SCO is the pay agent for The California State University. | HR & Payroll |
State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) | At one time, faculty members had the option of membership in STRS or CalPERS. This option is no longer available and all new employees must become members of CalPERS. There are still employees in the system who have retirement membership in STRS and are entitled to maintain that membership unless there is a permanent separation and reappointment. If this should occur, the faculty member would be required to become a member of CalPERS upon reappointment. | HR & Payroll |
State University Administrative Manual (SUAM) | The State University Administrative Manual is a policy manual published by the Office of the Chancellor. SUAM is updated via periodic Technical Letters and HR’s. Although some policies and procedures may have been superseded by collective bargaining contracts, the document is still used as a basic reference for various policies. | HR & Payroll |
State University Grant Award | A code that identifies whether a student received the State University Grant for the particular term. | Financial Aid, Special Sessions, Student |
State-Support Courses | Courses that are partially funded by the state of California. | Research & Analysis |
State-Support Programs | Instructional programs that are partially subsidized by state funding for operation. | Research & Analysis |
Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) | The SSID is a unique identifier for the student assigned to or by the first California district in which the student is enrolled in accordance with CDE established standards. This number follows the student from school to school throughout his/her K-12 career. | Applicant, Degree, Financial Aid, Off-Campus, Race/Ethnicity, Special Sessions, Student, Teacher Credential |
Step | The difference between rates within a salary range, each successive step generally being approximately 5% higher than the preceding step. A range may be subdivided into half-steps, each successive step being approximately 2 1/2% higher than the preceding step. | HR & Payroll |
STRS | See State Teachers' Retirement System | HR & Payroll |
Student Athlete Resource Center (SARC) | SARC is responsible for assisting student-athletes in their transition to Sacramento State. SARC becomes the primary resource for student-athletes and focuses on academic advising, NCAA eligibility, mentoring, and retention and graduation efforts. | Centers & Organizations |
Student Contact Hours | This section data element is an instructor workload metric that measures (for the entire section) the enrollment enhanced total “live instructor + physically present students” hours of instruction per week. | Faculty Reporting |
Student Credit Unit (SCU) | Faculty Reporting | |
Student First Name | The legal alphabetic identifier by which the student is known. | Applicant |
Student Last Name | The legal alphabetic identifier by which the student is known. | Applicant |
Student Level Code | A code that indicates the current academic level of the student: Undergraduate Student - A student not holding an acceptable baccalaureate degree. The student will be classified by level on the basis on TOTAL UNITS EARNED, including those earned at the reporting campus. Postbaccalaureate/graduate student - A student holding an acceptable baccalaureate degree. | Applicant, Race/Ethnicity, Special Sessions, Student |
Student Middle Name | The legal alphabetic identifier by which the student is known. | Applicant |
Student Name Suffix | The legal alphabetic identifier by which the student is known. | Applicant |
Student Services Center (SSC) | The Student Service Center (SSC) provides students with a wide range of information and transactions related to enrollment, registration, financial aid, and more. The SSC offers many services on behalf of Student Affairs and the University. | Centers & Organizations |
Student Standing Code | A code which identifies the standing of graduate and other postbaccalaureate students in credential, certificate or degree programs. | Special Sessions, Student |
SUAM | See State University Administrative Manual | HR & Payroll |
Substitute Instructional Faculty | A person employed for a limited period to perform the duties of a regular faculty member who is absent from duty. | HR & Payroll |
Summer session | A summer session is shorter than a regular session and is not considered part of the academic year. It is not the third term of an institution operating on a trimester system or the fourth term of an institution operating on a quarter calendar system. | Research & Analysis |
Summer Session Instructional Faculty | A person employed to teach in the summer session on an academic credit unit basis, or the equivalent. | HR & Payroll |
Supplemental Application | Some departments have their own separate applications that must be completed in addition to the required University Application. | Student |
Teaching Service Area | A generally recognized subject matter field or a specialized curriculum, depending on the manner in which faculty assignments are determined at a campus. | HR & Payroll |
Team Teaching Fraction (TTF) | The Team Teaching Fraction (TTF) is the fraction of the instructional workload within a given course classification, i.e., non-zero CS Number, that is assigned to each faculty member comprising a team teaching group for a given section. | Faculty Reporting |
Temporary Appointment | An appointment which is made for a specified period of time. The period of time must be less than the length of the probationary period for the position to which the temporary appointment is being made. | HR & Payroll |
Temporary Help | A budget classification for funds which may be used to employ persons in various classifications to accomplish the work for which the funds were budgeted. Appointments to temporary help blankets must be consistent with the current policies governing the use of such funds. | HR & Payroll |
Ten-Month Positions | Classifications have been established which allow for appointments on a 10-month basis. Ten-month classes are identified in the CSU Salary Schedule by class title and salary. The annual salary rate is ten times the monthly rate. Those appointed to ten-month classes must be removed from pay status for the two-month period during which s/he will not work. If the employee is expected to return to active employment, move the individual to Roll Code 9 status for two pay periods; otherwise, the individual must be separated. No sick leave, vacation or other benefits shall accrue for the two-month period in non-pay status, except that the individual does receive credit toward the SSI. Completion of the 10-month assignment constitutes completion of the work year. If otherwise eligible, a ten-month employee may participate in the 10/12 pay plan. In this instance, the individual is appointed to an alternate 10/12 range for the class. The effect is that the salary rate for the ten-month assignment is divided over a twelve-month period and the employee remains in pay status for twelve months. Sick leave, vacation and other benefits are accrued for twelve months of the year. | HR & Payroll |
Tenured Faculty | Tenure-track faculty employees who have been awarded tenure. | HR & Payroll |
Tenure/Permanent Status | Refers to one's employment status and means the right to continued employment in a particular university or in the Office of the Chancellor, unless dismissed for cause, laid off for lack of funds, or lack of work. | HR & Payroll |
Term | A specific period of the year during which classes are in session. Examples include fall term and spring term (See Quarter and Semester). | Applicant |
Term Code | A code that indicates the period for which a report is being made. | Applicant, Degree, Off-Campus, Race/Ethnicity, Special Sessions, Student, Teacher Credential |
Term Units Attempted - Graduate Division | The number of units attempted for which the student is actively enrolled at the census date for the current term. Exclude all audit units and units in International Programs abroad. Include units only in Graduate Level Courses. See Course Level Code. | Off-Campus, Student |
Term Units Attempted - Graduate Division - Special Session Courses | The number of Special Session or Open University units attempted for which the matriculated student is actively enrolled at the census date for the current term. Include units only in Special Session or Open University graduate level courses. | Special Sessions |
Term Units Attempted - Lower Division | The number of units attempted for which the student is actively enrolled at the census date for the current term. Exclude all audit units and units in International Programs abroad. Include units in Lower Division Courses. See Course Level Code. | Off-Campus, Student |
Term Units Attempted - Lower Division - Special Session Courses | The number of Special Session or Open University units attempted for which the matriculated student is actively enrolled at the census date for the current term. Include units only in Special Session or Open University lower division courses | Special Sessions |
Term Units Attempted - Pre-Collegiate | The number of units attempted for which the student is actively enrolled at the census date for the current term. Exclude all audit units and units in International Programs abroad. Include units only in Pre-Collegiate Courses (i.e., remedial coursework). See Course Level Code. | Student |
Term Units Attempted - Upper Division | The number of units attempted for which the student is actively enrolled at the census date for the current term. Exclude all audit units and units in International Programs abroad. Include units only in Upper Division Courses. See Course Level Code. | Off-Campus, Student |
Term Units Attempted - Upper Division - Special Session Courses | The number of Special Session or Open University units attempted for which the matriculated student is actively enrolled at the census date for the current term. Include units only in Special Session or Open University upper division courses. | Special Sessions |
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) | An exam administered by ETS – Educational Testing Services. Scores are often required in order to determine admission status for international applicants. | Student |
Test Score for Enhanced ACT Writing | The Enhanced American College Test (ACT) is an optional essay that tests students’ ability to evaluate multiple perspectives on a complex issue and to generate an argument based on reasoning, knowledge, and experience. This score is not to be used for establishing admission status among undergraduate applicants nor English Proficiency for newly enrolled undergraduates, and it should not be part of any ACT Composite Score calculation. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
Test Score for Redesigned SAT Reasoning Test | The scores received on the Redesigned SAT Reasoning Test administered from Spring 2016 and later. Test scores from different administrations may be used in order to exempt EPT and/or ELM. Redesigned SAT Reasoning Test will capture the highest Redesigned Evidence-based Reading and Writing score and the highest Redesigned Mathematics score. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
Test Scores for ACT | The scores received on the American College Test (ACT). Test scores from different administrations may be used in order to exempt EPT and/or ELM. In this case it will be necessary to enter appropriate subject area scores and calculate a new composite score (the average of the subject area scores). | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
Test Scores for ACT Writing (Provisional) | A score that reflects the newest component of the American College Test (ACT). This score is not to be used for establishing admission status among undergraduate applicants nor English proficiency for newly enrolled undergraduates, and it should not be part of any ACT Composite Score calculation. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
Test Scores for English Language Proficiency Test (ELPT) | The scores achieved in the English Language Proficiency Test (ELPT). Campuses may use the English Language Proficiency Test (ELPT) in lieu of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) for admission purposes for those students seeking admission fall term 1998 through spring term 2001. Applicants must be United States Citizens or Permanent Residents of the U.S. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
Test Scores for EPT | The scores received on the CSU English Placement Test (EPT). | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
Test Scores for SAT (SAT Reasoning Test) | The scores received on the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT Reasoning Test). Test scores from different administrations may be used in order to exempt EPT and/or ELM. In this case it will be necessary to enter appropriate section scores and calculate a new total score (the total of two of the three section scores as of March 2005). | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
Test Scores for SAT Writing Section (Provisional) | A score that reflects the newest component of the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT Reasoning Test). This score is not to be used for establishing admission status among undergraduate applicants nor English proficiency for newly enrolled undergraduates, and it should not be part of any SAT Composite (Total) Score calculation. However, an exemption score of 680 on this section of the SAT is an interim score that campuses may use while the CSU EPT Development Committee and the Educational Testing Service (ETS) work on a formal standard setting process. (See AA-2008-19, June 17, 2008). | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
Test Scores for TOEFL | The scores achieved in the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
Testing Center | The Academic Testing Center currently administers classroom exams on behalf of Sacramento State instructors for individual and/or small groups of students who require a reduced-distraction environment and other testing accommodations. | Centers & Organizations |
Thesis | A written work containing the results of research on a specific topic prepared by a candidate for a bachelor's or master's degree; a work of research culminating the master’s degree. The thesis is based on an individual research conducted by the student and supervised by their advisor. | Student |
Time Base | The time base of an employee refers to the fraction of time for which s/he is appointed, and that time may not be greater than the time base of the position. An employee may be appointed to more than one position as long as the total time appointed does not exceed full-time. | HR & Payroll |
TOEFL | See Test of English as a Foreign Language | Student |
Total GPA | The cumulative grade point average in all courses taken at all colleges. This is the quotient of total grade points and total units attempted for a letter grade (i.e., the sum of campus units and transfer units completed for a letter grade). | Degree, Special Sessions, Student |
Total Units Earned | For undergraduate students, the total transferable units earned at all colleges, plus the total units earned at the reporting campus. For postbaccalaureate students, the total transferable units earned at all colleges, plus the total units earned at the reporting campus (subsequent to receiving the baccalaureate degree). | Degree, Special Sessions, Student |
Trade Rate | The current negotiated rate of payment sometimes made on a regional basis. A Trade Rate is usually an hourly rate, plus a health and welfare contribution, which covers benefits. Refer to Casual Employment. | HR & Payroll |
Traditionally Underrepresented | This group includes persons who identify with the ethnic categories: Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, and Native American/American Indian. | Research & Analysis |
Transfer 2-year Graduation Rate | The number of students transferring from a California Community College with sophomore or higher standing in the fall of the cohort year, who earned a baccalaureate degree within the next two years (including the trailing summer term). | Research & Analysis |
Transfer 4-year Graduation Rate | The number of students transferring from a California Community College with sophomore or higher standing in the fall of the cohort year, who earned a baccalaureate degree within the next four years (including the trailing summer term). | Research & Analysis |
Transfer GPA | The cumulative grade point average for all transferable units attempted for a letter grade. This will be the quotient of transferable grade points and transferable units attempted for a letter grade. | Applicant, Degree, Special Sessions, Student |
Transfer Model Curriculum Number | In response to Senate Bill 1440 (Padilla, 2010), Transfer Model Curricula was developed in each of the most common transfer majors. Transfer model Curriculum identifies a set of lower-division courses in a major that will prepare California Community College transfer students for the more-advanced coursework they take as juniors and seniors at CSU. Transfer Model Curriculum Number is a code that identifies a specific Curriculum. | Applicant, Degree, Special Sessions, Student |
Transfer Student | A student entering the reporting institution for the first time, but are known to have previously attended a postsecondary institution at the same level (e.g., undergraduate, graduate). | Research & Analysis |
Transfer Units | Courses that are transferable to the CSU for baccalaureate credit. | Applicant |
Transfer Units Earned | For undergraduate students, the total transferable units earned at all colleges or universities other than the CSU campus at which the student is enrolled. For postbaccalaureate students, the total transferable units earned at all colleges, prior to transfer and subsequent to receiving a baccalaureate degree. | Applicant, Degree, Special Sessions, Student |
Transferable Units | Credit values for courses recommended by the faculty of a regionally accredited college or university and either certified or otherwise designated as appropriate for baccalaureate credit by the institution and therefore acceptable at least as elective credit by a CSU. | Applicant |
Transitory Student | Non-degree seeking students who do not have permission to re-enroll until they re-apply and are enrolled at other institutions while simultaneously taking courses at CSU campus. | Research & Analysis |
Triad | A period of 36 months or 12 consecutive quarters, commencing with the fall quarter or the quarter to which a faculty member is appointed during his first academic year at a campus on quarter system year-round operation. | HR & Payroll |
TTF | See Team Teaching Fraction | Faculty Reporting |
U Mentor | "U" Mentor is a program that aims to promote student success through the avenue of mentorship. Ultimately, the program helps to build connection, community and creates an atmosphere of belonging and self-directedness through the resources the mentoring relationship provides. | Centers & Organizations |
U.S. Current Military Status | A code which determines if an individual is or was in the U.S. military, including active duty, National Guard, Reserves, or a Veteran discharged from military service. | Applicant, Degree, Special Sessions, Student |
U.S. Military Dependent Status | A code which determines if an individual is a dependent of a U.S. military service member, including active duty, National Guard, Reserves, or a Veteran discharged from military service. | Applicant, Degree, Special Sessions, Student |
U.S. Military Status | A code which determines if an individual has had any active duty in the U.S. military services or if the individual is a dependent of a U.S. active duty service member. | Applicant, Degree, Special Sessions, Student |
UAW | The Trustees of the California State University (CSU) recognize the International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and its Local Union as the sole and exclusive representative of the Academic Student Employees bargaining unit (Unit 11) in accordance with the certification by the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) in petition number LA-RR-1099-H. | HR & Payroll |
UGD | Undergraduate Degree | Student |
UGED | CCE Undergraduate Degree | Student |
UGOT | Undergraduate Other - Open University/CCE | Student |
UGSE | Undergraduate Transitory Summer Early Entrant | Student |
UGT | Undergraduate Transitory | Student |
Unaccommodated Application | An application that was not accepted for evaluation. This type of applicant is not classified as denied. | Research & Analysis |
Unclassified | Students enrolled in Graduate level courses, but not enrolled in any specific program. | Student |
Undergraduate | An enrolled student who has not completed a baccalaureate degree; a freshman, sophomore, junior or senior. It is also used to denote baccalaureate level programs and courses. | Applicant, Research & Analysis |
Underrepresented Minority (URM) | Underrepresented refers to racial and ethnic populations that are represented at disproportionately low levels in higher education. Historically means that this is a 10-year or longer trend at a given school. Underrepresented minorities (URMs) are African Americans, American Indians/Alaska Natives, and Latinos, who have historically comprised a minority of the U.S. population. The term is mostly used for reporting aggregate student data. Non-U.S. citizen visa holders are classified as Non-URM, regardless of race/ethnicity. | Research & Analysis |
Underrepresented Minority (URM) Equity Gap | The difference between the 6-year Freshmen Graduation Rate for URM (defined as Black/African-American, Hispanic/Latino, and American Indian ethnicities) freshmen and non-URM (all students not defined as URM) recipient freshmen. | Research & Analysis |
Underserved Students | Underserved students are defined as those who do not receive equitable resources as other students in the academic pipeline. Typically, these groups of students include low-income, racial/ethnic minorities ("people of color" or "students of color" is the preferred use, not "minorities"), and first-generation students, among others. Races and ethnicities that are included: African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Hispanic/Latino, and Native Hawaiian/other Pacific Islander. "Historically underserved" students are defined as low-income students, those who are first in their families to attend college, and students of color. | Research & Analysis |
Unduplicated Application Count | The unique count of applicants within a given term. | Research & Analysis |
Unit | Defined in Title 5, Section 40601 and Section 40103 as follows: The term unit means a semester unit within the meaning of Section 40104, or the equivalent thereof. Semester units may be converted to quarter units by multiplying by a factor of 1.5. | Applicant |
Units Attempted | The number of units attempted for which the student is actively enrolled at the census date for the current term. | Research & Analysis |
Upper Division | Programs or courses designed for the third and fourth (junior and senior) years of study toward a baccalaureate degree. These courses are not offered by community colleges, and they often require completion of prerequisite courses. Also refers to junior and senior students. | Applicant |
Upper-Division Transfer | Upper-division applicants are those who will have completed a minimum of 60 transferable semester units prior to transfer. | Applicant |
URM | See Underrepresented Minority | Research & Analysis |
Veterans Success Center (VSC) | The Veterans Success Center aids students in accessing their VA Education benefits, the timely certifying of those benefits, and completing the admission application process. The VSC also helps students find veteran-related resources, provides leadership opportunities, peer-to-peer mentorship, and support in transitioning into a meaningful career. | Centers & Organizations |
Vocational | Refers to courses and programs that pertain to an occupation or are job-oriented, providing specific skills for a trade. Vocational units may not be transferable applicable to CSU programs. | Student |
VSC | See Veterans Success Center | Centers & Organizations |
Weekly Contact Hours | This section data element identifies the total hours per week that a given section meets with a live instructor + assembled students setting based on the reported meeting days and hours. | Faculty Reporting |
Weighted Teaching Unit (WTU) | A Weighted Teaching Unit is a measure of faculty workload generated for a course. The way in which WTUs are calculated depends upon the number of in-class hours a course meets along with the student credit units (or component units) for the course. | Faculty Reporting |
Women's Resource Center | This group is open to female-identified students from all backgrounds. It is a safe place to talk about whatever concerns students, including self-worth, relationship problems, identity, family issues, and body image. This is a wonderful opportunity to have fun, laugh, and experience the wisdom, camaraderie and compassion of other women. | Centers & Organizations |
WPE | See Writing Proficiency Exam | Student |
WPG | See Writing Placement for Graduates | Student |
WPJ | See Writing Placement for Juniors | Student |
Writing Placement for Graduates (WPG) | The WPG is a timed writing placement exam. Graduate students must satisfy the WPG requirement before they can Advance to Candidacy. | Student |
Writing Placement for Juniors (WPJ) | The WPJ exam was one of the ways student's could meet the Undergraduate GWAR. The exam asked students to review several texts and write an essay based on the texts. Starting Fall 2021, the WPJ is no longer offered at Sacramento State, according to the Graduation Writing Assessment Program. | Student |
Writing Proficiency Exam (WPE) | The WPE was a timed English writing exam. Starting Fall 2009, the WPE is no longer used to meet the Graduation Writing Assessment requirement, according to the Graduation Writing Assessment Program. | Student |
Written Communication Placement Status | A code that indicates an undergraduate's status regarding placement for college level Written Communication courses and the method by which placement was determined by the close of the ERSS processing period for the first term in which the student was enrolled. Written Communication Placement Status does not apply to transitory students (Enrollment Status equals 6). This element applies only to students entering as new undergraduates in fall 2018 or later. | Applicant, Special Sessions, Student |
WTU | See Weighted Teaching Unit | Faculty Reporting |
Year | The calendar year for which the report is being made . | Applicant, Degree, Off-Campus, Race/Ethnicity, Special Sessions, Student, Teacher Credential |
Year Of Service | For executive, administrative, academic employees on 12-month Assignments, and staff support employees, any twelve consecutive months of full-time employment. For nonacademic employees serving in a 10-month assignment, ten consecutive months of full-time employment; for academic employees in academic year appointments, an academic year of full-time employment (2 semesters or 3 quarters). | HR & Payroll |
Yield Rate | The percentage of student who enroll after being offered admission, i.e., the number of enrolled students divided by the number of admitted students. | Research & Analysis |